The Vision of Freedom and the Potential of Blockchain

The Vision of Freedom and the Potential of Blockchain

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6429-8.ch012
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This chapter examines freedom and blockchain. Hegel stated that world history is the progression of freedom consciousness. While modern law and the state have facilitated the realization of freedom, blockchain technology has facilitated global, autonomous decentralization. This chapter defines freedom and explores how blockchain aids in its promotion and examines why central governments of developed countries opposed Libra, a global currency concept based on blockchain. While the central government intervened to crush Libra, this chapter shows that blockchain has vast possibilities for evolution of freedom. From the perspective of the absolute, blockchain and modern law and the state, while in conflict, will promote human freedom dialectically. This chapter uses the concepts such as publicness, autonomy, setback, external third party, facts and norms, primary rules, law and facts, family, bodily extension, constitutionalism, objective reality, absolute spirit, and so on. Also, the theories of Hayek, Habermas, H.L.A. Hart, Wittgenstein, Hegel, and so on will be utilized in this chapter.
Chapter Preview


Will Blockchain Promote Human Freedom?

In this book chapter, Hegel's teachings on world history as the progress of the consciousness of freedom are discussed. However, what does "freedom" truly mean? In this chapter, freedom is defined as the realization of perfection, the alignment of ideas with reality, and the fulfillment of one's ideal life as a human being with an individual body. This chapter explores how modern law and the state serve as the stage for this notion of "freedom" and introduces the concept of "publicness" as a way to achieve it. The chapter then examines how technology, specifically Blockchain, can either conflict with or support the realization of "freedom" as a public platform. Through conceptual reconstruction and philosophical examinations, the research explores the implications of Blockchain and questions the need for an external third party in facilitating joint activities. Then, the chapter discusses the concept of power and its implications and ultimately suggests a vision of "freedom" from the perspective of our human condition as individual beings existing in space-time with our bodies. This chapter aims to shed light on the complex relationship between Hegelian philosophy, modern institutions, technology, and human autonomy in the pursuit of "freedom."

This book chapter argues that utilizing an autonomous, self-regulated, decentralized, and non-centralized system through Blockchain can potentially facilitate the "freedom" of humanity in the world. While Hegel's teachings limited the medium for realizing "freedom" to the state, our exploration reveals the possibility of achieving "freedom" without relying solely on the state. From the perspective of absoluteness, we will examine how modern law, the state, and Blockchain interact and respond to each other, developing the concept of "freedom" dialectically. By shedding light on this dynamic relationship, this chapter aims to provide insights into the potential of Blockchain as a transformative force in pursuing human "freedom" beyond traditional institutional frameworks.


The Progress Of The Consciousness Of Freedom In World History

Hegel once said, "World history is the progress of the consciousness of freedom." He found in the nation the instrument by which this freedom is phenomenally realized. The world spirit can be manifested as a national (ethnic) spirit. However, the state exists only in empirical reality. Hegel calls for the state as a procedure for phenomenally manifesting the impulse of "freedom," which is the true nature of the world's spirit. In this way, Hegel's concept of state is a tool for manifesting the impulse of freedom.

Hegel found in the state the tool for the development of world history. The point in question can be explored through the technological tool of the Internet. Therefore, a discussion of this point will be provided first.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Setback: A term coined by the author in this chapter. An attitude or act of deciding whether to act in some action, such as a contract, by checking it against a reference or norm from an external, third-party position considered "certain.” In this chapter, this concept is treated critically in terms of both the truth that, theoretically, "certainty" cannot be ensured by referring to something external in a particular situation and the reality in life that one has no choice but to "jump in" according to what one believes in the situation in question.

External Third Party: A term coined by the author in this chapter. The concept is considered essential in traditional public systems such as modern law and the state and credit payment systems such as banks and credit cards. In blockchain, conceptually, this is not necessary. This difference highlights a key distinction between blockchain and these traditional systems regarding credit and trust.

Freedom: In this chapter, this means autonomously manifesting an objectively existing, perfect concept in the phenomenal world through one's own body or the public system, according to the individual's values and beliefs. Please refer to Section 1 for a more detailed definition by the author.

Big Tech: The term used to refer to a group of huge IT (Information Technology) companies with dominant global influence. These companies are primarily based in the United States and provide popular internet services and products worldwide. The representative Big Tech companies include GAFAM: Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook), and Microsoft.

Autonomy: Refers to the ability or characteristic of self-determination and self-governance, where individuals or organizations can make decisions and act based on their own purposes and values. Those with autonomy can make decisions and take actions without relying on external constraints or directives, taking responsibility for themselves, thinking for themselves, and achieving self-improvement, growth, and evolution. It is a crucial element for the concept of freedom and an important concept that can also answer the question of why freedom is important.

Libra: A global payment system proposed by Facebook (now Meta) and others. The issuing organization included about 30 companies and organizations such as major US payment companies Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal. The system is based on blockchain technology. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Libra is a type of stablecoin that can be exchanged for a specific ratio of dollars, euros, and other currencies, ensuring a stable value.

Publicness: In this chapter, from the point of view of freedom, publicness is a fundamental concept for re-examining the position of modern law and the state, as well as that of so-called private enterprises, based on the nature of the goods they provide.

Blockchain: Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger technology that connects transaction records into a chain of blocks, preventing tampering or fraud. Its immutability makes it highly reliable and does not require a centralized system. While it is well known for its use in cryptocurrency transactions, it is expected to be applied in various fields. Please refer to section 5 of this chapter for details.

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