Managing Mental Health, Traumatic Experiences, and Leading With a  Purpose by Civil Society Organisations in Zimbabwe

Managing Mental Health, Traumatic Experiences, and Leading With a Purpose by Civil Society Organisations in Zimbabwe

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1773-0.ch005
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This chapter explores challenges and strategies of managing mental health, traumatic experiences, and leading with a purpose within Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Zimbabwe. It highlights the unique context of CSOs in Zimbabwe. Through examination of literature, case studies and expert insights, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the complex dynamics at play and offers practical recommendations for addressing mental health concerns in CSOs. The chapter explores the limited resources, capacity, importance of advocating for increased funding, need for policy framework, prioritizing mental health in resource allocation, and building capacity through training and education. The chapter identifies future research directions, offers insights and practical recommendations for managing mental health, traumatic experiences, and leading with a purpose in CSOs in Zimbabwe. It serves as a resource for CSO leaders, practitioners, scholars, and policymakers seeking to create supportive and resilient organizations that prioritize mental health and maximize their impact in the pursuit of social justice.
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Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how individuals think, feel, and act (Smith, 2017). It is a crucial aspect of overall well-being and plays a significant role in individual and organizational functioning. CSOs are non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations, and other entities that operate independently of the government and aim to address social issues, promote civic engagement, and advocate for marginalized populations (Smith, 2017). Within CSOs, leaders and staff often face unique challenges that can impact their mental health.

Traumatic experiences refer to events or situations that are emotionally distressing and have a lasting impact on an individual's mental well-being (Makwanya, 2019). In the context of Zimbabwe, traumatic experiences can arise from various sources, including political unrest, violence, economic instability, and social injustice. These experiences can have profound effects on the mental health of CSO leaders and staff, potentially leading to increased stress, burnout, and psychological distress (Makwanya, 2019).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mental Health: emotional, psychological and social well-being.

Trauma: a deeply depressing feeling

Leadership: state of being a leader.

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