The Use of Mobile Technology in Learning With Online and Offline Systems

The Use of Mobile Technology in Learning With Online and Offline Systems

Munoto Munoto, Meini Sondang Sumbawati, Satriana Fitri Mustika Sari
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2021040104
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Mobile phones can be functionalized in the process of learning using cellular devices and computing systems. The present study aims to (1) develop mobile learning applications and (2) find out student responses in the learning process using m-learning. This research used the 4D model (defining, designing, developing, and disseminating) written by Thiagarajan. Validation used a questionnaire to collect data, while effectiveness was revealed through student responses that took part in m-learning. The results showed 1) the application used in e-learning learning was very valid (> 85%), and 2) research subjects (two classes) provided very positive feedback (> 85%). It means that the mobile learning application developed is feasible to use because it has high validity and is able to increase students' positive responses. This study reveals that mobile learning applications can have a positive impact on student learning outcomes in the future.
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Learning methods implemented by lecturers have been varied and have prioritized students to learn actively. Many lecturers teach by using power point, because the power point can present text, images, photos, animations are interesting. More effective and efficient, can reach many groups, and can be used repeatedly (Ko and Rossen, 2010, pp. 34-45). However, the learning with media power point also has weaknesses such as not all materials can be presented with power points, requiring special skills to pour messages or good ideas, using careful preparation, and need to be presented face to face. Seeing current lecturers have used learning with power point, indicating that this learning is not a problem. Learning with power point media and/or learning videos can be packaged in computers or laptops, which most teachers already have. This kind of learning media without being equipped with a controller or navigation tool that can be used by users, learning material can be realized in the form of CDs (Compact Disc), known as offline learning.

Online learning media is a media that is equipped with a controller/navigation tool that can be operated by the user, the user can manage and collect what the user needs. For online internet network learning is needed.Today almost all the world's population has known and used the internet. Many lecturers did not use the internet for teaching and learning, and it affected students that ignored the internet as a learning media through mobile phone applications. Mobile learning applications helped students to study more often and more easily. Learning through the Internet gave more benefits towards growing a student’s learning interest because the application materials contained educational content and entertainment (Ally, 2009, pp.34-56), which is also known as edutainment.

Learning development is in line with technological developments that use internet-based electronic devices. The Internet has several advantages such as easily obtainable information, its use as means of communication throughout the world in the forms of text, audio, or audio-visual without time and space limitations (Gilakjani, 2012). In addition, the materials provided met the student’s needs. E-learning required computers or laptops for students to access the materials or lessons, although many students did not have access to these, but most of them had mobile phones that could be used to open a search engine (Dahlstorm et al., 2013). This kind of learning method was named mobile learning. M-learning (mobile learning) is a combination of e-learning and mobile computing, which is able to access any learning application anytime and from anywhere (Motiwala, 2007).With M-learning can change the attitude of people to use mobile phones to be very useful by learning anytime and anywhere (El-Husein and Kronje, 2010).

This study aimed to develop learning based on m-learning because (1) mobile phones are not widely used as a learning medium, and (2) the lack of learning content available through a mobile phone makes it not widely accessible. This study also provides mobile learning facilities to students that have not used mobile phones based on Android, such as the X phone and the web. The issues discussed are: (1) the feasibility of developing an e-learning portal with mobile orientation (that supports the Android, the X phone, and the web); (2) student responses during the application testing of an m-learning application for the Electric Circuit Materials courses and Evaluation in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the State University of Surabaya. As stated by Olofsson and Lendberg (2012), learning is constituted in the lived-in world, i.e., the world as it is experienced through social practice, and, as participation in a community with practice shapes and constitutes knowledge, that learners gradually master procedures for talking and acting through participation. Structurally, m-learning as part of e-learning. M-Learning is a combination of Electronic Learning (E-Learning) and Mobile Computing, which access a learning application at any time and from anywhere through mobile devices (Shih and Hung, 2007).

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