Improving the Quality of “The Internet of Things” Instruction in Technology Management, Cybersecurity, and Computer Science

Improving the Quality of “The Internet of Things” Instruction in Technology Management, Cybersecurity, and Computer Science

Darrell Norman Burrell, Ashley Courtney-Dattola, Sharon L. Burton, Calvin Nobles, Delores Springs, Maurice E. Dawson
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2020040105
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Many universities require end of course evaluations for all courses taught as tool for academic accreditation purposes. The reality is that often many academic departments either do not do anything or have no idea what to do when evaluations continue to be poor. As a result, students have fought back against this process to create their own on-line rating program, Rate My, which allows students to give other students insights into who is a quality professor and who is not. This paper explores this use of mock teaching simulations, which are also called Micro-teaching approaches, as a quality management tool to improve the way students are taught in Technology Management, Cybersecurity, and Computer Science degree and certificate programs.
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Complexities In The Field

Due to this rapid growth, and the breadth of content areas that fall under the umbrella of cybersecurity, a wide array of curriculum and pedagogical practices are part of cybersecurity classrooms (Chisholm, 2015). While this diversity reflects the reality of cybersecurity education, it is a significant hindrance to the development of a comprehensive model for cybersecurity education which would allow for consistent and continuous improvement (Chisholm, 2015). For example, knowledge areas which could be incorporated into cybersecurity include: computer architecture, criminology/law, cryptography, databases, human-computer interaction, information retrieval, information theory, management/business, mathematics, military science, mobile computing, networks, operating systems, digital forensics, philosophy/ethics, programming languages, software engineering, statistics/probability, and web programming (Burrell at el, 2015). Additionally, the expected outcomes from these courses may vary dramatically, with schools teaching cybersecurity as practical vocation skills, as good engineering practices, or as academic theories (Chisholm, 2015).

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