Factors Affecting University Students' Use of Moodle: An Empirical Study Based on TAM

Factors Affecting University Students' Use of Moodle: An Empirical Study Based on TAM

Daniel Danso Essel, Osafo Apeanti Wilson
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2017010102
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Higher education institutions are faced with the complex challenges of serving increased enrollment levels within tight budgets. This challenge is prompting many universities to explore new approaches including the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle for delivering courses to help extend teaching and learning beyond the classroom. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as an underlying theory, this study investigated students' perceived usefulness as well as the perceived ease of use of Moodle in the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. The study also used multiple linear regression to determine if these factors have any impact on the rate at which students use Moodle. Data was collected from a random sample of 229 students from the Faculty of Science Education using a questionnaire. The analysis revealed that students' perceived usefulness of Moodle and perceived challenges in using Moodle combined contributes significantly to students' rate of Moodle use.
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Statement Of The Problem

Learning Management Systems have grown considerably in universities around the world. The University of Education, Winneba (UEW) has pioneered in this area in Ghana, adopting Moodle as its official LMS (http://www.moodle.uew.edu.gh). Students are expected to use Moodle to enroll in courses, download learning materials, communicate with other participants using forums, write blogs, contribute in content creation using wikis, communicate with lecturers through a built-in messaging system, finish their activities, upload files, undertake self-evaluation and check grades. The lecturers have been trained to use Moodle to manage learning content materials, manage students and their grades, check the uploaded students’ work, prepare quizzes and create content using wikis. However, it has been argued that successful implementations of LMSs depend, not only on providing training and support for instructors, but attention must also be given to the level of students’ active engagement, satisfaction and use of the LMSs (Hall, 2006). The users’ perspective is therefore crucial to examine in the implementation of LMSs and to evaluate their success.

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