Enhancing Student Achievement, Engagement, and Satisfaction Using Animated Instructional Videos

Enhancing Student Achievement, Engagement, and Satisfaction Using Animated Instructional Videos

April Cookson, Daesang Kim, Taralynn Hartsell
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2020070108
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The purpose of this project was to increase student achievement, engagement, and satisfaction using animated instructional videos in an online general psychology course at a community college. This project not only considered the data collected from student activity tracking, but also examined students' perception of how the videos engaged and helped them remember course material. Collection of data was conducted using a pre-intervention and post-intervention survey, a pre-test, a post-test (mid-term exam), and an online behavior evaluation rubric. A statistically significant increase in scores from pre-test to post-test occurred. Students reported that they preferred the animated instructional videos over the textbook and believed videos helped them remember the material. Overall, the project showed that students enjoyed the videos and many recommended that additional ones be created for the rest of the course. Although time-consuming, instructional videos were worth the effort to keep students engaged and learn course material.
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Engaging students in online courses is an area of much study (Czerkawski & Lyman, 2016; Gillett-Swan, 2017; Khan, Egbue, Palkie, & Madden, 2017). Although educators realize that engagement and motivation are key factors for online students to remain on track and interact with materials independently, some students still have a difficult time completing this. Students, especially those who are not traditional learners, have other obligations and learning styles that sometime compete with online instruction. Isolation and distance are factors that influence how a student performs online (Gillett-Swan, 2017). Therefore, educators need to discover and use various methods of assisting online students to keep track of learning, become more interested in the content, and understand the material covered in various forms.

Students do not always engage with the online course material. This has been demonstrated by students enrolled in the authors’ online courses. Examining the minimal amount of time students log into the learning management system and devote to interactivity, using alternative forms of presenting materials can help improve students’ interest. Supplementing typewritten notes and electronic presentations (e.g., PowerPoint) with interactive videos could be one method to change the online environment. Osman, Jamaludin, and Fathil (2016) discovered in their research that using interactive video lectures in a flipped learning environment increased student attention and retention of material for Malaysian college students. Another study from Underdown and Martin (2016) used video to introduce course content (e.g., syllabus) and provide feedback to student discussions in a college course. They discovered that the students enjoyed this form of communication based upon comments received as being unique, interesting, and something that they can ‘hear.’ Thus, using videos to present course content is an alternative form to help stimulate interest and engagement.

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