Deborah A. Scigliano

Deborah A. Scigliano is a visiting Assistant Professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA in the Department of Foundations and Leadership. Dr. Scigliano was an elementary educator for 30 years and has been an educational consultant on a national level. Her research interests include telementoring, self-efficacy, and peer coaching. She is passionate about professional learning for educators. Dr. Scigliano is the recipient of the Duquesne University Creative Teaching Award and the Henderson Prize for Educational Leadership.


Telementoring in the K-12 Classroom: Online Communication Technologies for Learning
Deborah A. Scigliano. © 2011. 318 pages.
Telementoring, the practice of online mentoring, is a powerful tool to engage students in meaningful learning. Research has demonstrated the benefits for students and telementors...