Recovery of a Triple Whiplash Accident

Recovery of a Triple Whiplash Accident

Anna Christine Doehring
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 4
DOI: 10.4018/ijudh.2012040107
(Individual Articles)
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Five years ago, the author survived a nasty car accident which brought her to the place of offering healing for others. This paper demonstrates how ‘patient users’ in web space may document a lot of their health details on their own in the form of narratives, as well as meticulously prepared lists that can be shared in ‘user driven health care’ forums and commented on by health professionals who genuinely want to help them. The author’s connection with non-mainstream healing is strong. This author shares that even after getting an MRI by a neuro-radiologist, the testing was not followed up by competent care. It was not carefully explained to her so she understood the implications of the lesions for further activities of daily living by the neuro-radiologist but rather it was left to the chiropractor to explain even though he may be ill-equipped to provide post injury brain care and life skills management. Finally, the narrative points toward the fine balance between finding effective treatment options and the responsibility of providing financially for oneself and family after a debilitating injury.
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The traffic stalled on the highway and I was forced to stop in heavy traffic. I heard a crash behind me. Then it was dark and felt as if I was tumbling around in clothes dryer. What had happened was that a large teaching truck’s brakes failed. My car with me and my grandson in it was hit three times from various sides. I got out of the car, functional to some degree as I drove by ambulance to the hospital for an X-Ray.

I was always healthy and I did not have a family doctor before the crash, who would have known how my health was. I have learned from this that a family doctor is good to have and that it does not go so well if no doctor understands how well you used to be It is really good to have a family doctor. My new doctor first prescribed several massages.

These were my health complaints:

  • Constant back pain.

  • Pain in neck and back of skull.

  • Pain moving head forward and back.

  • Back pain during the night.

  • Less flexibility when driving and turning head.

  • Headaches on the back, on top and at the front.

  • Mentally not alert.

  • Pain front of chest (belt).

  • When I exerted myself intense pain on top of skull and in the back, especially on top. It was unbearable.

  • Pain in right upper shoulder, then in the left.

  • Feeling as if I had a lead ball in the back of my head constantly.

  • Frequent memory lapses.

  • Pain in front of head.

  • Fearful of driving on highway.

  • Cognitive mistakes.

  • Difficult to focus and remember.

  • Dizzy and poor balance when I get up during the night, often I would fall against the wall--one year later, I still struggled with this, I nearly fainted twice.

  • Ringing in left ear.

  • Nausea in the evening.

  • Double vision, noticed it when I wanted to thread a needle, making reading difficult, vertical and horizontal lines I saw as double.

  • Floaters in my left eye, and like rays around eye when I closed it, weird, the eyes still don’t seem right, sometimes it feels like a veil over my eyes.

  • At the beginning my right hand has a very slight tremor, and now it is the left one.

  • Twitching in my face, right upper lip.

  • Pain in my tailbone and neck.

  • Headaches mostly in the forehead top and back.

  • For four years, I woke up every 1-2 hours, now it is once or twice per night.

  • Pain in left hip.

  • For over four years, I had to cry when I talked about the accident.

  • Clicking in neck, four times when I turned it to the left and twice when to the right.

  • Continual cramps in my legs.

  • For about four years, I had a high pitched noise in top of my head, not in my ears as my doctor wanted me to believe.

  • Anxiety and nausea in the morning for about 5 years.

  • Four years later I suddenly could not move, standing at the sink, I touched with my left hand the neck – click – still could not move – second click then it was ok.

  • In 2009 I went swimming; don’t dare to do that anymore because I nearly fainted when turning around.

  • Twice I could not stand up from a bend down position, although these symptoms were helped that with a magnetic roller from Nikken.

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