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What is Situational Strength

Recent Advances in the Roles of Cultural and Personal Values in Organizational Behavior
The concept describes different intensities of the influence of situations or personal traits on the behavior of actors. Strong situations are characterized through the influence norms and incentives guiding the behavior of individuals, while weak situations are characterized by a lack of such norms and guidelines. In the latter case, the behavior is strongly influenced by personal traits and values of the actors.
Published in Chapter:
Corporate Social Responsibility Values in Transforming Societies: Are There Country-, Status-, and Hierarchy-Based Differences?
Rainhart Lang (Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany) and Irma Rybnikova (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1013-1.ch007
The focus of the chapter is on corporate social values of managers as one important basis, and explanation of the functioning of CSR concepts in CEE organizations. The analysis is based on theoretical concepts explaining the relationship between the national and institutional context, corporate values of managers, and CSR activities, like “upper echelon theory,” which consider managerial action as a direct or indirect expression of the individual values of top managers. The situation in transforming societies in CEE countries can be well-described using the concept of situational strength. The empirical findings, with data from the GLOBE-CEO project from 129 firms in East Germany, Estonia, and Romania, show specific country-based combinations of corporate social values in the companies studied, with strategic orientation in East Germany, shareholder focus and a relatively strong religious orientation in Romania, and an orientation on shareholders as well as on employees and community in Estonia.
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