“Why Are iPhones So Expensive?”: Motivation, Instruction, and Learning Strategies

“Why Are iPhones So Expensive?”: Motivation, Instruction, and Learning Strategies

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7583-6.ch012
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The chapter analyzes the opportunities to use motivational and instructional design in economics education. The purpose of this chapter is to use these opportunities for teaching economics in a diverse and inclusive classroom. Based on the ideas provided, the author designs a lesson plan for teaching price-making strategies as part of economics curriculum in a diverse and inclusive environment. The author used the ARSC model, cooperative learning and inquiry-based approaches, inclusive reading strategies, backwards design, and the principles of inclusion to design learning activities for the lesson. The ARCS model is helpful in terms of capturing student interests, making the lesson content relevant for students, supporting their confidence, and satisfaction. Cooperative learning and inquiry-based learning approaches provide efficient learning activities appropriate for teaching economics in a diverse and inclusive classroom. The chapter concludes that using an inclusive approach, educators can help all students to master necessary skills in the economics domain.
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The purpose of this paper is to use motivation and instructional design strategies for teaching economics in a diverse and inclusive classroom. The paper also rationalizes and offers a plan of a previously adopted lesson ‘Why iPhones Are So Expensive?’ which aims to develop the understanding of price-making strategies in students. At the same time, papers devoted to economics education for high school students are still rather scarce. Therefore, the work contributes to the literature of economics education for teachers and education students.

Teaching economics as a separate field of knowledge assumes that students should be financially competent, understand basic economic laws and market functioning, analyze labor market trends, be aware of management and marketing issues, etc. This is a wide area of studying. Although understanding in the economics domain aims to develop all core 21st century skills, critical thinking in students can be defined as a top priority of teaching economics at high school. Thus, the learning activities designed for the lesson on price-making strategies are focused on the development of critical thinking skills. The learning strategies are built on the use of the ARCS model, the inquiry-based learning approach, formative assessment, and the inclusive approach.

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