The Suggested Use of Big Data in Medical Analytics by Fortis Healthcare Hospital

The Suggested Use of Big Data in Medical Analytics by Fortis Healthcare Hospital

Vivek Veeraiah, K. O. Thejaswini, R. Dilip, Sanjiv Kumar Jain, Aradhana Sahu, Sabyasachi Pramanik, Ankur Gupta
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5347-6.ch012
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The chapter describes how clinical data may be stored in digital formats, such as patient reports, as electronic health records, and how meaningful information from these records may be created using data analytics methods and tools that may assist patients and physicians to save time and money. The Apollo Hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal, India is the subject of this study. Apollo Hospital is the biggest hospital in West Bengal. It collects a huge quantity of heterogeneous data from various sources, including patient health records, lab test results, digital diagnostic supplies, healthcare insurance data, social media data, pharmaceutical data, gene expression records, transactions, and data from MY hospital's Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College. Data analytics could be used to organise this data and make it retrievable. As a result, the term “big data” may be used. Big data is defined as exceptionally big datasets which may be analysed computationally to uncover trends, patterns, and relationships, visualisation, information privacy, and predictive analytics on a huge dataset.
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3. Apollo Hospital Healthcare

Apollo Hospital is a Kolkata-based private hospital. Kolkata is a pharmaceutical and health-care hub in eastern India. Apollo Hospital is the largest West Bengal government and private hospital. Eastern India's first computerized private hospital opened in 1952. It contains 2300 beds and most clinical departments, including a 20-bed Medical Intensive Care Unit, an 8-bed ICCU, five haemodialysis machines, an endoscopic unit, and ventilators. It is an eight-story government hospital with 600-bed COVID-19, 160-bed cancer, and 180-bed Coronary Artery Disease sub-hospitals. This hospital has a medical school. Underprivileged patients get preferential care at this hospital under a governmental program. Millions of easterners visit this institution every day. Most rural and district hospitals in West Bengal use it as an emergency centre. All healthcare services are available at this facility. It also has a mobile blood bank that encourages young people to donate and may save lives in emergencies.

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