The Power of Technological Social Learning in Times of Crisis

The Power of Technological Social Learning in Times of Crisis

Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6732-6.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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All countries, regardless of their level of development and position in the world economy and relations, try to adopt similar survival behaviors in the management of educational institutions since the first signs of the corona outbreak. Numerous people are contextually forced to learn from each other in this new adapted environment while not everyone is pessimistic about the pandemic situation and its unexpected obligations. Many people believe that the pandemic crisis is an opportunity to warm up the foundation of family relationships and the integration of high standard virtual education at global and inclusive levels. The unexpected change in social and educational intuitions reminds humanity of the vital and bright side of technology in this critical period. This chapter examines and models how virtual education can save money and resources to provide well-designed and purposeful learning opportunities for students to learn without fear when proper plans are implemented to overcome the impact of crises through the power of technological social learning.
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The Impact Of The Coronavirus On Education

The Corona period, besides stress, will be a period of growth and excellence, and this is the result that man has experienced throughout history and after the passages of crises (Campbell D, 2020). The human race experienced a theory of survival cycles over centuries that those who have the right to life are the ones who were able to adjust to their shifting circumstances, and that the adaptation process is indeed a matter of life and survival. In simpler terms, a crisis period is the era of change, civilization, and development of humanity. One of the issues people should consider in times of coronavirus crisis is that the weaknesses and inefficiencies of both the individual and society will emerge in times of crises, but if there is a lack of proper management in this regard, the fire of this crisis will spread (Haleem & Javaid, 2020). Accordingly, individuals need to reconsider their current lifestyles, habits, and beliefs by recognizing individual inefficiencies, moral weaknesses, problems with self-control, and lack of social skills and infrastructure through the use of existing capabilities during the Corona epidemic.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Corona Virus Crisis: This epidemic virus that caused many political, economic and social crises that will last for years and the impact of it last forever in the economic, political, and social platforms of the world.

Technology: Technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, process things, and extract materials. Technology may be described in the form of products, processes, or organizations. People use technology to expand their capabilities, and that makes people the most civilized members of the technological systems.

Crisis Period: No one knows when, where and how a crisis will occur. COVID-19 disease is a primary example of a crisis that no one even thought would significantly affect global education, politics, the economy, and every business.

E-Learning: The most comprehensive and at the same time the shortest definition that can be given to any kind of learning or training that is done with the help of various electronic media. In fact, e-learning is the use of technological advances to activate and empower people to learn independently, regardless of time and place limitations.

COVID-19: The first Covid-19 initiative appeared in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus a “global epidemic.” The virus has killed thousands of people in 157 countries and infected millions of others.

Pandemic Period: The phase of the worldwide spread of a new disease.

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