The Impacts of Peer-to-Peer Lodging Platform on the Traditional Lodging Industry: California vs. Southern Europe

The Impacts of Peer-to-Peer Lodging Platform on the Traditional Lodging Industry: California vs. Southern Europe

Anatoly Zhuplev, Jonathan Dell, DaVion Doby, Joshua Tillipman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4148-6.ch008
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The chapter presents a comparative analysis of trends in the peer-to-peer lodging and their impacts on the lodging industry of the metropolitan regions of the Greater Los Angeles, California, USA, and Southern Europe (Athens, Greece; Barcelona, Spain; and Vienna, Austria). The main research question is whether the emerging peer-to-peer lodging platforms, part of the exploding sharing economy, are competitive or complementary to the traditional lodging industry. Data was obtained from secondary research and collected in 24 field interviews. The study found variations in the complementarity/competitiveness equilibrium, depending on the market segment in hospitality industry and regulatory environment. The chapter draws recommendations for hotel competitiveness.
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International travel and tourism have been major contributors to the global economy since the 21st century (Tourism, 2016). Traditional patterns in lodging started to change as consumers gained access to the Internet through improved technologies (Hospitality Net – Hotels, 2016) enabling price comparison and stronger voice in the process. This paradigm has had profound impact on the traditional lodging platforms. This chapter aims to determine whether peer-to-peer (P2P) lodging platforms are competitive or complementary to the traditional lodging industry throughout Los Angeles, USA; Vienna, Austria; Athens, Greece; and Barcelona, Spain. The chapter also explores emerging strategies for traditional lodging organizations and regulatory entities.

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