The Future of Medical Robotics and AI-Assisted Diagnostics

The Future of Medical Robotics and AI-Assisted Diagnostics

Roheen Qamar, Baqar Ali Zardari, Alex Khang
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2105-8.ch020
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer to do tasks that often require human intelligence, such as speech and picture recognition and decision-making. AI is being used in healthcare to automate processes that need a high degree of precision and accuracy, such diagnosis and medical picture processing. The rapid development of machine learning algorithms, which are often implemented through deep learning, along with the expansion of digital data and processing power facilitated by advancements in hardware technology, have a substantial impact on the healthcare industry. Artificial intelligence has advanced significantly in recent years and is now extensively utilized in the healthcare industry to automate a range of jobs that call for a high level of precision and accuracy. In the medical area, robots are revolutionizing surgery techniques, expediting the delivery of supplies and cleaning and freeing up healthcare professionals to concentrate on interacting and tending to patients.
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1. Introduction

Robots improve surgeon comfort and ergonomics in surgical settings, which enables more procedures to be performed since the surgeons are less tired. Additionally, robots assist in removing human mistake from high-risk processes. Alongside developments in machine learning, data analytics, computer vision, and other fields, health robots will also continue to change. All kinds of robots will eventually develop the ability to operate independently, effectively, and precisely. The healthcare sector has started utilizing technology to address its manpower shortage. This was especially noticeable when the Covid-19 epidemic was at its worst. Hospitals and health systems turned to technology during a period when staffing was scarce and the virus was widespread. This included using telemedicine to contact patients and UV light-emitting robots to swiftly eliminate microorganisms discovered in operating rooms, public restrooms, and patient rooms. According to a recent Medscape poll of 1,500 medical professionals, the majority of doctors feel uneasy or nervous around AI, and almost one in three think that AI software might jeopardize their ability to practice medicine.

AI has been demonstrated to supplement and improve a physician's skill, but it will never be able to completely replace a medical professional. According to the same Medscape study, the majority of doctors (70%) felt that utilizing AI-powered software would help them make judgments that are more accurate, and 66% indicated that if AI-powered software could do specific diagnostic tasks more accurately than humans, they would definitely consider using it. Without a question, AI benefits the healthcare sector by helping physicians complete a variety of tasks more quickly and accurately, which eventually raises the standard of care.

Even though artificial intelligence is already a standard component of many healthcare systems, many in the sector still hold a bad opinion of the technology. This may be the result of some medical experts being hesitant because they think it will take their employment. The two technologies that have demonstrated the ability to address and offer answers for many modern problems are artificial intelligence and robotics. Robotics has been used in the industrial industry for a considerable amount of time. But throughout the last three to four decades, robots have also been used in a wide range of other industries, including transportation, earth and space exploration, laboratory research, and many more. Along with the expansion of the economy, the use of robots has reduced production costs, raised productivity, and resulted in the creation of numerous new jobs in the tech sector.

Robots are often used in repetitive and tedious activities, but as artificial intelligence (AI) advances, their applications are becoming more widespread. Robots are utilized in a number of contexts in healthcare institutions. They affect the patients' life either directly or indirectly. In order to keep old and handicapped patients from experiencing pain or boredom, they even tend to them and have conversations with them. The benefits of medical robots are vast and go hand in hand. One of the main benefits of medical robots is their ability to perform surgery more accurately and smoothly. Even the surgical success rate has increased.

The fact that robots operate perfectly within the time and task limitations allotted to them is still another important benefit of medical robots. Over the past several years, there has been a noticeable increase in the application of AI and robots in the healthcare industry. Artificial intelligence may be used to manage duties in both urban and rural hospitals across the nation with remarkable efficiency. Examples of these jobs include routine checks, optimizing hospital logistics, and helping with surgery.

AI has several benefits for the healthcare industry, including the ability to provide individualized patient care, secure working environments where healthcare professionals are less likely to get infections, and efficiently managed operational chores. The healthcare industry, which is among the largest and most active in the world, has a tendency to advance development through innovation and modernization. This profitable business is anticipating a major breakthrough in the future that will generate intelligent machines that think and act like people. The potential applications of AI and robots in healthcare include the following: remote patient monitoring, medication development, detection of fatal illnesses, increased clinical trial activity, senior care, and epidemic breakout prediction.

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