Technology-Powered Education Post Pandemic: Importance of Knowledge Management in Education

Technology-Powered Education Post Pandemic: Importance of Knowledge Management in Education

Anu Thomas, Ramesh Tribhovan Bhai Prajapati, Ashneet Kaur
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8786-7.ch011
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In order to provide personalized learning and to track student performance, many learning platforms accelerated pre-pandemic. But the focus was for the fortunate students. The recent COVID-19 pandemic taught the education sector the importance of including technology in day-to-day learning activity. Knowledge management is beneficial to all institutes in order to retain experienced teachers and in order to strengthen new teachers with the various steps involved in the process. Managing intellectual assets in order to provide excellent education and to meet all related challenges would be the right step. This study focuses on growth and demand of knowledge management in the education sector. In this chapter, the authors include the matter, like to study the impact of each of the steps involved in knowledge management on the performance of student. In light of the objectives of this chapter, more exploration on studying the effectiveness of knowledge management on education and empirical evidence of the efficacy of KM on the performance of the student is carried out.
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Pandemic acted as a catalyst to redesign the existing frameworks of education. Physical distancing during the pandemic, hit worst to the little learners worldwide. Learners were forced to study using remote learning options whereas the educators were forced to learn various remote learning platforms to facilitate the learning process. But the whole process of remote learning was an eye-opener to the education management sector. It showed the obstacles in technology based learning and even provided the courage to opt for several technology enabled learning to facilitate better education. Several barriers to remote learning include:

  • 1.

    Student learning satisfaction.

  • 2.

    Parent/guardian satisfaction over student’s academic performance.

  • 3.

    Teacher’s adaptation to online learning mode.

  • 4.

    Infrastructure constraints.

  • 5.

    Deploying remote learning to every student.

  • 6.

    Behaviour and adaptation during pandemic.

Knowledge Management is a process where various steps are involved with respect to handling the knowledge. These steps are:

  • a.

    Knowledge Acquisition

  • b.

    Knowledge Application

  • c.

    Knowledge Evaluation

  • d.

    Knowledge Sharing

  • e.

    Knowledge Access

It has gained immense demand and popularity in almost all sectors of business but the demand in the education sector is a new study. It is multi disciplinary approach and requires lot of study to understand its efficacy.



Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is a process of handling knowledge. In this process of Knowledge management, the focus is on creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge of an organization. It is a multidisciplinary approach and also an emerging field for research. The various steps in this process are:

  • 1.

    Collect: In light of objectives of an organization, focus is on searching and collecting basic information from various sources.

  • 2.

    Use: The information collected in the initial stages is exploited and attempt is made to use the content as per client’s request.

  • 3.

    Refine: In this stage, the organization focuses on enriching the existing content and information by adding more value to it and by adding additional information to enrich the yield.

  • 4.

    Sharing: The most important purpose of knowledge management is to share the information with other members of the organization.

  • 5.

    Access and Store: The focus of knowledge management is to enable easy access to knowledge within the organization. Though creating the KM system is the initial step, but individuals should also have an understanding in using that system.

Figure 1.

Knowledge Management lifecycle


Key Terms in this Chapter

Knowledge Evaluation: Evaluation of knowledge involves systematically collecting information and analyzing it to see whether a program or a project is doing what it set out to do. Evaluation is a process that examines available knowledge credibility.

Knowledge Application: It is defined as use and application of available knowledge to make decisions and perform tasks through direction and routines. Associating knowledge gained with existing background information helps to build greater meaning and increased engagement.

Knowledge Sharing: It is defined as an activity through which knowledge is exchanged among people, friends, peers, families, communities or within or between organizations.

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