Sustainable Resource Allocation in Higher Education

Sustainable Resource Allocation in Higher Education

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7059-6.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Higher education is crucial in moulding individuals and societies for a better future. This chapter examines vital aspects such as resource allocation, faculty development, student support, research and innovation, mental health, STEM education, attitude formation, and quality assurance. Effective administration requires sustainable resource allocation and faculty development to enhance instruction quality. Incorporating technology and mindfulness enrich students' experiences. Mental health support is vital for student well-being. Emphasizing STEM, life skills, and a positive mindset equips students for an evolving job market. Quality assurance ensures consistent education. Resolving these challenges allows higher education institutions to shape the future positively.
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1. Introduction

Higher education is crucial in shaping individuals, communities, and nations. As societies and economies change, so do the requirements and expectations placed on higher education institutions. In response to these changes, universities and colleges must continuously evolve to provide students with a proper and practical education. It requires consideration of numerous facets of higher education, such as resource allocation, faculty development, student support services, mental health awareness, STEM education, attitude formation, and quality assurance.

Effective resource allocation is essential for ensuring that higher education institutions can provide students with quality education and support. Faculty development is critical for enhancing teaching and learning practises, whereas student support services can assist in ensuring that students have the necessary resources for success. In light of the rising prevalence of mental health issues among college students, mental health awareness is becoming increasingly important. Moreover, STEM education is crucial for preparing students for the swiftly changing demands of the labour market (Bridgstock, 2009). Students can acquire the soft skills necessary for success in any field through attitude development (Choudary & Ponnuru, 2015). Maintaining the reputation and standing of higher education institutions requires quality assurance (Garwe, 2019).

The allocation of resources in higher education is a complex and challenging undertaking, as institutions must navigate numerous obstacles and competing demands. Due to economic decline and rising operational costs, the lack of financing has intensified, resulting in reduced state funding for public institutions and difficulties in procuring private donations for private institutions. Furthermore, it is essential to balance immediate needs, such as facility maintenance and student services, and long-term objectives, such as research. Obtaining both high-quality education and cost control exacerbates the difficulty of resource allocation. These obstacles illustrate the complexity of resource allocation in higher education (Parker et al., 2023; Sadjadi, 2023). Sustainable funding of resources in higher education necessitates balancing demands and contemplating long-term effects. Essential principles include transparency, collaboration, adaptability, a focus on outcomes, and a commitment to long-term planning. (Kulesa et al., 2023). This chapter examines these sustainable resource allocation principles in higher education. Sustainable resource allocation in higher education requires strategies that balance immediate and long-term objectives (Aung & Hallinger, 2023). This chapter examines strategic planning, data-driven decision-making, investments in energy-efficient infrastructure, collaboration, and alternative funding sources for achieving sustainable university resource allocation. Budgeting and financial planning are essential to the long-term viability of higher education institutions (Wadud, 2023). This chapter analyses critical factors such as aligning the budget with strategic objectives, forecasting revenues and expenses, evaluating enrollment projections, monitoring expenditures, and leveraging technology for efficient financial operations. The development and training of faculty members are critical for ensuring high-quality instruction in higher education (Johnson et al., 2023). This chapter examines essential factors such as strategic planning, resource allocation, cultivating collaboration, leveraging technology, and evaluating efficacy in establishing effective faculty development programmes that align with institutional objectives. In the digital era of higher education, allocating funds for technology and infrastructure is vital (Maguatcher & Ru, 2023; Park et al., 2023). This chapter examines essential factors such as prioritising technology investments, maintaining and enhancing technological infrastructure, providing training and support, leveraging data analytics, and fostering collaborations to ensure effective and sustainable technology and infrastructure allocation in higher education institutions.

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