Successful Footprints of ChatGPT Deployments in the Education Sector: Pros Outweigh Cons by Embracing Ethics and Etiquette

Successful Footprints of ChatGPT Deployments in the Education Sector: Pros Outweigh Cons by Embracing Ethics and Etiquette

Shivi Khanna, F. C. M. A. Nabanita Ghosh, Sunita Kumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1239-1.ch009
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is essential in all aspects of life. One crucial area to examine is the integration of artificial intelligence in education. The true essence is in providing individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values needed to have a fulfilling and meaningful life. Education must adapt to equip students with essential abilities to navigate life's challenges while upholding integrity in a dynamic world. Artificial intelligence (AI), shown by technologies such as ChatGPT, exhibits significant promise in educational environments. This chapter explores personalized learning enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). Furthermore, intelligent tutoring systems are also analyzed. The text delves into various facets of the educational system where ChatGPT might offer help. Additionally, offering explanations for the prohibition of Chat GPT in many countries and educational institutions. The discussion has focused on how AI affects the socio-economic gap in the education sector.
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The education sector has undergone sea changes modes of teaching and learning practices. The launching of new tools and techniques has made the education sector reach new heights with merits and demerits Alan (android developer (, 2023). The learners and educators made the implementation of ChatGPT into the system to make the process readymade. Ideal ways of utilizing the features to make the learning more engaging and interactive and save considerable time by avoiding the routine tasks. Encouragement arose among many to explore the opportunities to make use of the advantages of these chatbots to reduce the repeated tasks or tasks with similar lines of monotony(Gursoy et al., 2023). The landscape of education faced reformatory phases as the demand for digitized education went up the need for personalized coaching became prominent, and further, and further the paramount significance became pertinent with the advent of the demon Covid 2019. Unlike the 18th century and before, today education has become accessible to many due to the technological moves. This rise in the e-education system has democratized education regardless of geographical boundaries. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and its integration into education holds immense promise for transforming learning methodologies. AI encompasses the development of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. The integration of AI in the classroom promotes curiosity, customization, and profound learning experiences, equipping students to manage a rapidly changing world while revolutionizing teaching techniques, evaluations, and personalized learning paths.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Artificial Intelligence: Refers to the cognitive abilities exhibited by computers or software, in contrast to the cognitive abilities displayed by humans or other animals. Artificial Intelligence is a discipline within computer science that focuses on the development and analysis of intelligent machines.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Represent an innovative approach to personalized learning, leveraging artificial intelligence to provide tailored and interactive guidance to students. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) utilize AI to provide customized and interactive guidance to students.

Personalized Learning: Is a pedagogical approach aimed at tailoring education to individual student needs, preferences, and learning styles.AI facilitates personalized learning experiences by analyzing students' learning patterns, preferences, and abilities. Adaptive learning platforms leverage AI algorithms to tailor educational content and pacing, allowing students to learn at their own pace ( Zhang et al., 2020 ).

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