Spiritual Leadership and Well-Being in the Context of the Modern Workplace

Spiritual Leadership and Well-Being in the Context of the Modern Workplace

Mahak Garg, B. K. Punia, Naval Garg, Vandana Punia
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2533-6.ch009
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Organizations of modern times experience business loss in the form of financial, physical, psychological, and cultural loss with their employees, clients, suppliers, or any other related persons. To cope with such issues, we need to introduce spirituality at our workplace. and as leaders manage organizations, spiritual leadership needs immense research for growth. Spiritual leadership has been actively debated in recent decades and is a disputed subject attracting research and practice. Spirituality has evolved into a valuable tool for coping with stress and resolving business concerns. Leadership lacking ethics may be harmful, damaging, and even toxic. Though often addressed in the literature, spiritual leadership has been taken as a construct in a few types of research for empirical study. The main aim of the study was to develop knowledge into how spiritual leadership would be the essential need in the modern workplace.
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Employees of 21st century expect companies to accept them, with their physical-mental service, specialized skills, personal life, culture, religion and spiritual life. Companies too appreciate when their workers carry their entire selves to work, not just the physical existence and intelligence, but also their spirituality (Indradevi, R., 2020). There is enough evidence to suggest that spiritual leadership is accountable for developing a novel corporate culture in which personals are enthusiastic and more productive (Fourie, M., 2014). Literature suggests, human pleasure has a significant and positive causal influence on productivity. Positive emotions tend to energise people, while negative emotions appear to have the reverse impact (Doward, 2010). Over the last several years, spirituality has been a key subject of inquiry in the academic world to bring greater meaning to one's employment. Spiritually cultured organizations acknowledge that workers have an intellect and spirit, that they want to use to interact with other employees and be a part of a community, and dig outsignificance and purpose in their job. Now that we are more conscious of spirituality, we will be able to better comprehend the worker’s attitude on the job in the current situation (Indradevi, R., 2020). Swami Vivekananda expressed it perfectly:

You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul

Organizations have begun to recognize that fostering spirituality boosts morale and fosters employee loyalty. To maintain spirituality at any workplace, we need to have efficient spiritual leaders to keep going employees’ spirituality and culture.

The world we live in today is constantly evolving globalization, information technology, and varying stakeholder expectations are just a few of the numerous factors driving organizational and social transformation. The new, modern and technological workplace requires strong leadership to adapt to these changes properly. Leaders must emphasize the value of people in their organizations in order to lead effectively (McGhee, P., & Grant, P., 2009). Spiritual leadership literature highlights the growing role of spirituality at work, due to the change toward a concern for wholeness and spiritual values (Weinberg & Locander, 2014). Spirituality is a method to reclaim the confidence that has been lost between the employer and the employee as a result of the isolation caused by the current corporate world's dehumanized practices (Jurkiewicz & Giacalone, 2004). To get the best out of the employees, good leaders must pay attention to all their requirements, including spiritual ones. In today’s times, spiritual leaders are needed, leaders who can connect into workers' deepest selves, allowing them to surpass their ego while linking with others and focusing on their decisive goal. This type of leadership is likely to lead to better results, especially in the modern workplace. The presented model describes the relationship between spiritual leadership and the well-being attained in modern workplace.

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