Shifting Paradigm in Early Detection and Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease

Shifting Paradigm in Early Detection and Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease

Tabassum Bashir, Deoshree Akhouri, Hamza
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1090-8.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive, irreversible neurodegenerative disease impacting cognition, function abilities, behavior, and social interactions. Alzheimer's disease progresses along a continuum from preclinical disease to mild cognitive and/or behavioral impairment, and then Alzheimer's disease dementia. AD is a chronic, nonlinearly progressive, multifactorial neurodegenerative disease that affects multiple domains of an affected individual's life during the advanced stage of progression. After the pandemic of COVID-19 and its adverse impact on physical and mental health, current statistics of prevalence are now classified as a silent pandemic, despite these major healthcare challenges, no effective treatment or accurate diagnosis currently exists. To address these challenges, we need a paradigm shift, with focus on the pre-dementia stages of AD. In this perspective, early detection and assessment are crucial and critical for the effective management of AD. Early diagnosis of AD will become important as treatments that alter the underlying disease pathology.
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1. Overview

Disease prevalence and global disease burden have shifted the attention towards neurodegenerative disorders like dementia in late life. In this chapter, we will focus on neurocognitive disorders among the elderly. We begin by reviewing evidence-based prevalence studies, presenting cases, signs and symptoms, early detection and prediction, challenges faced by the elderly, comorbidities, caregiver burden, and assessment followed by possible management. The 21st century is full of enthusiasm, recent advancements, emerging technologies, pandemics, and drastic changes in climate and lifestyles, that eventually put us human beings at ease with disease. In the era of digitization, rapid growth, and drastic changes make every individual move even faster than usual. Nearly every day, millions of people of growing age apart from the adult population are getting engaged in various surgical procedures. Most people, from ordinary individuals to celebrities are spending billions of dollars per year on numerous cosmetic and plastic surgeries to reduce signs of aging and unexpectedly the number is getting higher day by day but what are the crucial steps that one is taking in managing their age-related cognitive change or adverse change in cognitive functions. In this sensational era, people are motivated and desire to undergo plastic surgery to look younger than their age. Still, the fact is that specific changes are bound to happen as we age. People are unable to manage any cognitive decline with age so here in that case what are the possible steps that one can take to manage their cognitive ability as early as possible? People are striving towards perfection in physiological and mental capacity but unfortunately, as we age, physiological changes are inevitable, and there may be emotional and cognitive changes as well.

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