Shaping Highly Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensors for Smart Cities

Shaping Highly Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensors for Smart Cities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2373-1.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The highly intelligent internet of things (IoT) and wireless sensor technologies are set to reshape the directions of safe and intelligent parking and transportation in the dynamic field of urban development. Sustainable and effective transportation solutions are critical as cities struggle with the effects of growing populations and rising urbanization. Sustainability is the key to the transportation of the future as the development of electric mobility solutions and environmentally friendly transportation choices is facilitated by highly intelligent IoT. By reducing the negative effects of transportation systems on the environment, this path hopes to promote a greener and more sustainable urban environment. So, tackling issues with privacy and cybersecurity, this trajectory seeks to increase confidence in the accuracy and privacy of data. This chapter explores how these technologies are developing and how they will affect urban transportation in the future to solve the difficulties of contemporary urban life, a focus is put on security measures, real-time data analytics and sustainable practices.
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Introduction And Background

The advent of Highly Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) and the integration of wireless sensor technologies have ushered in a new era of urban development, with a specific focus on shaping Smart Cities. In this transformative landscape, the emphasis extends beyond mere connectivity and towards the creation of intelligent ecosystems that optimize various facets of urban living. The critical domain within this paradigm is the reimagining of transportation and parking systems to align with principles of intelligence, security, and sustainability. As urbanization accelerates globally, Smart Cities emerge as a visionary response to the challenges posed by rapid population growth, resource constraints, and environmental concerns (Minoli & Occhiogrosso, 2018).

Smart transportation systems augmented by the deployment of IoT devices and wireless sensors lays down the unprecedented opportunities for efficient and secure mobility within urban environments. Real-time monitoring and data analytics enable dynamic traffic management, providing insights that empower city planners and authorities to alleviate congestion, reduce commute times, and enhance overall transportation efficiency. The integration of intelligent technologies not only streamlines existing transportation infrastructure but also opens avenues for the development of innovative solutions such as autonomous vehicles and interconnected transit networks (Bibri, 2018).

Simultaneously, the transformation of parking systems through the infusion of IoT and wireless sensors contributes significantly to the fabric of Smart Cities. The conventional challenges of finding parking spaces, traffic congestion caused by aimless circling, and inadequate utilization of parking infrastructure are addressed through real-time data collection and smart analytics. Smart parking solutions leverage technology to offer real-time information on parking space availability, enable reservation systems, and enhance enforcement mechanisms, thereby optimizing parking resources and improving the overall urban experience (Belli et al., 2020). The trajectory towards a Smart and Secure Transportation and Parking infrastructure for a Sustainable Future is not devoid of challenges. The integration of highly intelligent IoT devices and wireless sensors brings forth concerns related to data security and privacy. As these systems collect and transmit vast amounts of sensitive information, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data becomes paramount. Addressing these challenges is imperative for the sustainable development of Smart Cities, fostering a balance between technological innovation and safeguarding individual privacy and security Al-(Turjman & Lemayian, 2020).

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