Providing Safety and Detecting Accidents in Bike Transport With Smart Helmets Using IoT

Providing Safety and Detecting Accidents in Bike Transport With Smart Helmets Using IoT

Santhi Selvaraj, Umakanth N.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8040-0.ch013
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IoT is the network of interconnected devices or things that are embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity. The road mishaps are also increasing day by day, due to which many deaths occur, most of them caused by the negligence of not wearing helmets, and also many deaths occur due to lack of medical attention needed by the injured person, hence the need for a protective headgear that makes bike driving safer than before. This work is implemented by considering advanced features like alcohol detection and fall detection by using alcohol and accelerometer sensors and makes not only a smart helmet but also a feature for smart bikes. RF module is a wireless device that is used to communicate between transmitter and receiver. If the rider is found drunk, the ignition switch is locked automatically, and in event of accident, the abnormal value in accelerometer is detected and message is sent to their registered number by using GSM. Thus, if a bike rider falls from bike, the message is sent automatically, and medical attention is given immediately.
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Transportation is the crucial network that makes modern society and run efficiently. In general transport corresponds to the delivery of people and goods by the use of road, rail, air, and sea. Transport sector provides various infrastructure and services for supporting transport as well as the manufacture of vehicles and equipment for monitoring and servicing transport. Nowadays cities face more dramatic challenges for managing the transport systems and its applications. An Intelligent Transportation System is an effective transportation and it combines advanced technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics for managing traffic and mobility, better transport infrastructure and enhanced interfaces for transport services. Big data analytics is used to analyze the huge set of data while IoT is about data, devices and connectivity. IoT connects various objects through sensors, actuators, and other devices that collect and transmit data for real-time network activity. The evolution of Internet of Things will improve the mobility based intelligent transportation systems in smart cities more achievable. Major problems such as traffic congestion, accident detection, road safety, automatic fare collection and automatic vehicle parking can be resolved by using Internet of Things. The upcoming intelligent transportation systems will optimize the movement of people and goods, public safety, improving economics and the environment. In this work, IoT based intelligent transportation system can be used for providing safety and detecting bike accident using Smart Helmet. Nowadays, the number of road accidents has increased especially the bike accidents are a major part of all accidents because of bike don’t have as many safety parameters compared to other vehicles. Reason for causing the bike accidents can be due to not wearing a helmet, alcohol consumption, feeling drowsy, over speed, breaking of traffic signals and careless driving. Most of the countries are enforcing their citizens to wear helmet while riding the bike and not to ride the bike when the biker has consumed alcohol, but still rules are being violated. Most Indians prefer two wheelers for their daily commute to work. Almost 33% of Indians use two-wheelers to reach work. Although the two wheelers used today are good with new and increasing features, there is an imminent need of some additional features to be incorporated for the two-wheeler riders which incorporate safety. The road mishaps are also increasing day by day, due to which many deaths occur, most of them are caused due to most common negligence of not wearing helmets, and also many deaths occurred due to lack of medical attention needed by the injured person. Hence need a protective headgear which makes bike driving safer than before. This is implemented by using advance features like alcohol detection and fall detection. This makes not only a Smart Helmet and also a feature for Smart Bike. It is mandatory for the rider to wear a helmet, without helmet ignition switch cannot be ON. RF module is a wireless small electronic device that is used to communicate between transmitter and receiver. If the rider is found drunk, the ignition switch is locked automatically and in event of accident, the abnormal value in accelerometer is detected and message is sent to their registered number by Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). Thus, if bike rider falls from bike, the message is sent automatically and medical attention is given immediately. Nowadays the major accident is based on the reckless driving, ignorance of traffic rules and absence of protective shield and drivers drunk and drive; to rectify this in future the smart helmet is used. The helmet checks if the rider is drunk and driving. The bike starts its ignition only when the rider is non-alcoholic. Once the rider found drunk, the ignition of the bike is avoided and hence not letting the rider to ride the bike. In this work Arduino microcontroller is interfaced with alcohol sensor and it is used to monitor the biker’s breath and continuously sends the signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller on encountering alcohol signal from sensor and sends the data to motor using RF transmitter and connect a RF receiver to the motor driver which stops DC motor to demonstrate as engine locking. The system needs push button to start the engine at the same time if the alcohol is detected from the person the system locks the engine. Additionally, this system also sends a message “Accident Occurred” to the user relatives through message using GSM module. The proposed work presents the smart helmet that ensures the rider cannot start the bike without wearing helmet. This helmet uses simple cable replacement for wirelessly switching on a bike, so that the bike would not start without the key and the helmet. Also, whenever the biker starts ignition, the alcohol sensor senses the content of the alcohol in his breath and it automatically switches off the bike if the biker is drunken. This work overcomes the drawback by using wireless technology and making a much efficient system using GSM technology. GSM is the wireless technology that plays a major role in worldwide automation strategy. Mobile technology has occupied most of the globe and it is seen everywhere. GSM give more facilities and are considered as reliable communication network. In the event of road accident, the message is sent to the emergency contact through GSM. The aim of this work is to make a protection system in a helmet for safety of the biker.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Smart Helmet: The helmet is developed as a smart for detecting an accident in motorcycles and send the geographical location to the concerned authorities.

IoT: It is expanded as Internet of Things which describes the network of physical things embedded with software, sensors, and communication technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging information with other systems over the internet.

Radio Frequency (RF) Module: The RF transmitter module is used to transmit a radio wave and modulating that wave to carry data. RF receiver module receives the modulated RF signal and demodulates it.

Wireless Communication: It is the electromagnetic transfer of data between two or more devices that do not use an electrical conductor for performing transformation.

Sensors: Sensors are devices that can measure a physical quantity like temperature, humidity, etc., and convert it into a signal, which can be read and interpreted by the microcontroller unit.

GSM Module: It is expanded as Global System for Mobile Communications, which is a chip or circuit that will be used to establish communication between mobile device and computing devices.

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