Probabilistic Power System Reliability Assessment: Distributed Renewable Energy Sources

Probabilistic Power System Reliability Assessment: Distributed Renewable Energy Sources

Oliver Dzobo, Kehinde O. Awodele
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8551-0.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents the different dynamics in power system reliability as a result of the intrinsic behavior of distributed renewable energy sources. The output power of distributed renewable energy sources depends on the amount of available respective resource at any given time. This output power generally experiences fluctuations when compared with the output of conventional power generation units. The phenomenon is not usually included in traditional reliability worth evaluation methods for power system networks with distributed generation. In this chapter, a reliability worth evaluation model for power system networks with time-dependent distributed renewable generation resources is presented and analyzed. Time sequential Monte Carlo simulation technique is used, and the operational efficiency of the distributed generation unit is measured using the primary reliability worth index, ECOST. The derived index is fitted to a beta distribution function to show the inherent skewness of the supply reliability worth index.
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The power system network is one of the most complex networks built by human beings. The main purpose of the power system network is to provide electricity whenever the connected consumers require it. As the connected customers have become more and more dependent on it, the reliability of the power system has become very important. The power system network can be subdivided into three levels, namely; generation, transmission and distribution. Power system reliability can be performed at any of these levels or a combination of the levels. This section will provide highlights of the recent developments of power systems that have taken place and are ongoing.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Solar Irradiance: The power per unit received from the sun. The units of solar irradiance is W/m 2 .

Intermittent Power Supply: The random generation of energy from renewable energy sources which is dependent on the availability of the energy source (e.g., wind, solar).

Distributed Generation: Production of energy from renewable energy sources at different geographical places. The production of energy is not as large as that of conventional power generation that makes up the conventional grid network.

Power System Reliability: The ability of a power system network to perform its function for a given time period under certain conditions.

Time-to-Repair: Time take by a system component in the DOWN state to restore to normal condition (UP state).

Monte Carlo Simulation Technique: Is a random sampling process that is repeated for many iterations.

Time-to-Failure: Is the time taken by a system component in the UP state to reach its failure state.

Customer Interruption Cost: The financial value incurred by an electricity consumer as a result of power supply interruption to its daily activities.

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