Managing and Monitoring Patient's Healthcare Using AI and IoT Technologies

Managing and Monitoring Patient's Healthcare Using AI and IoT Technologies

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3679-3.ch001
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This book chapter explores the transformative integration of AI and IoT technologies in the realm of healthcare, focusing on their collective impact on patient monitoring. The chapter delves into the emerging trends and challenges associated with the utilization of AI and IoT in the digital healthcare landscape, emphasizing their role in real-time patient monitoring, data analytics, and personalized healthcare solutions. Through an examination of case studies and current applications, the chapter highlights the potential of these technologies to revolutionize patient care by enabling continuous and remote monitoring, early detection of health issues, and data-driven decision-making for healthcare professionals. Furthermore, the chapter addresses the ethical considerations and challenges that accompany the implementation of AI and IoT in healthcare settings. Overall, the chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the innovative ways AI and IoT technologies are reshaping patient monitoring practices, offering insights into the future of digital healthcare.
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Driving Smart Medical Diagnosis Through AI-Powered Technologies and Applications


2. Significance Of Ai And Iot In Digital Healthcare

The significance of AI and the IoT in digital healthcare is monumental, ushering in a transformative era that holds the promise of revolutionizing patient care, diagnostics, and healthcare management.

  • Personalized and Predictive Healthcare: The combination of AI and the IoT allows for the real-time collecting of extensive patient data, which in turn enables the development of tailored healthcare solutions. Through continuous monitoring and analysis of patient parameters, AI algorithms can predict health trends and potential issues, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized treatment plans.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, such as wearable technology and interconnected sensors, facilitate remote surveillance of patients' essential physiological indicators and health measurements. AI systems can process this data instantaneously, offering healthcare providers vital insights into patients' ailments without requiring their actual presence. This is particularly crucial for managing chronic diseases and post-operative care (Bakshi et al., 2021).

  • Improved Diagnostics and Decision Support: AI, with its capabilities in data analysis and pattern recognition, enhances diagnostics by interpreting complex medical data such as imaging scans, pathology reports, and genetic information. AI enhances healthcare practitioners' decision-making by leveraging the constant flow of data via IoT devices.

  • Enhanced Treatment Planning: AI-driven technologies contribute to the development of treatment plans tailored to individual patient profiles. Machine learning algorithms analyze historical treatment outcomes and suggest optimal therapeutic approaches, leading to more effective and targeted interventions.

  • Efficient Resource Management: The amalgamation of AI with IoT enhances the efficiency of distributing healthcare resources. Predictive analytics assist hospitals in forecasting patient admission rates, facilitating optimal staffing, management of beds, and allocation of resources, ultimately enhancing the entire delivery of healthcare.

  • Patient Engagement and Empowerment: AI and IoT foster active patient participation in their own healthcare. Wearable gadgets, health applications, and virtual assistants facilitate patients in monitoring their health, following treatment regimens, and participating in preventive measures, fostering a more cooperative approach to healthcare (Yaqoob et al., 2022).

  • Real-Time Emergency Response: IoT-enabled devices and AI algorithms facilitate rapid response in emergencies. Wearables can alert healthcare providers or emergency services in real-time in the event of abnormal health parameters, ensuring swift interventions and potentially saving lives.

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