Information Systems Management: Good Practices Case Application

Information Systems Management: Good Practices Case Application

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2141-6.ch001
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This document describes an implementation based on information technology infrastructure library (ITIL) methodology carried out in a private organization. This case study that will be presented below is unique in the fact that it deals with processes with profound transformation of the company where it was developed, namely in terms of changes that took place in different time spaces and in different organizational contexts and in the economic and social environment. All the work developed and presented consists of implementing the ITIL methodology in the information systems department, with a focus essentially on the domain of infrastructures, particularly in the service desk area.
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1. Introduction

The work presented below focuses on a process of profound transformation of the wine distribution organization. The changes were operationalized in different time spaces, and in organizational contexts and in different economic and social environments. To operationalize these changes, Information and Communication Technologies were used as tools that enhance and facilitate the transformation of the organization. The motivations for change of the organization in question have always been the constant concern of its Management to make it more efficient and competitive, in order to provide a better response to the market and customers, to obtain timely management information, and to enable better communication with both external and internal entities. The organizational change introduced by IS fundamentally translates into changes made in terms of process reengineering. Business process reengineering (BPR) is considered one of the means by which an organization can enhance the adaptability to environment and raise its competitiveness (Hashem 2020).

Another component of the introduction of IS in organizations is the need that arises to create skills to do the job. The organization's employees are obliged to face the work methodology in a different way, as this need for an innovative dynamic naturally leads to the phenomenon of resistance.

Information is seen as a management success factor, and it is essential that the manager has data and organized information that allows him to support his management decisions. When implementing an IS and constantly updating it, it is necessary to guarantee the quality of the data, which is why it is important to have:

  • A personal involvement of managers in its development, either through computer technology or the familiarization of their employees with this technology;

  • Regular review of the quality of records;

  • A continuous improvement of records, in the case of IS.

IS occupy a very important place in organizations due to its capacity as a support tool in the process of organizing existing information. However, it is important to mention that Information Technologies (IT) do not dispense with the personal skills of managers or personal interactions. Given that technological changes occur at a high pace, namely in the context of the need to develop new applications or solutions, the implementation of changes (change request) or required improvements, there is often not enough or necessary time to make a sufficiently in-depth analysis of development and its impact change related personal resources and change engagement and how they impact on change-related outcomes (Albrecht et al. 2020). In this context, the IS Manager assumes the role of interlocutor between Managers and IT professionals, occupying a shared intervention space, becoming a mediator and catalyst for a global vision of the Organization's IS.


2. Contextualization Of Itil Methodology

2.1. The Search for Continuous Improvement

Since its introduction in organizations, Information Systems have grown exponentially, increasing its importance in organizational dynamics. Its role has become strategic, and the success of organizations has become increasingly dependent on Information Systems. This growth has been driven both by the demand side (increased complexity of organizations and the need for differentiating factors in relation to the competition) and by the supply side (decrease in Information Technology costs, increase in diversity and quality of solutions, and spread of culture and preparation for the use of IT tools). However, its rapid evolution and the consequent need for technological renewal and innovation have generated an increase in its expenses, often not directly related to the results obtained by the organization. In order to control expenses, methodologies that are assertive in this area are applied, namely ITIL, which allows avoiding waste and optimizing processes and managing the factor of change that has been triggered. In addition to change management models, there are also methodologies that, when correlated with the models, become extremely powerful support and support tools (Blumberg et al. 2019).

Figure 1.

Project vs. service

Adapted from: Own Elaboration

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