In-Person Video and Peer-Delivered Approaches to Cyberbullying Prevention

In-Person Video and Peer-Delivered Approaches to Cyberbullying Prevention

Ashley N. Doane
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4912-4.ch024
(Individual Chapters)
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In this chapter, the researcher evaluated the short-term efficacy of two theory of reasoned action-based cyberbullying prevention programs in college student samples using different methods of delivery. In Study 1 (N = 335), immediately following a cyberbullying video prevention presentation during class, attitudes and injunctive norms regarding all four types of cyberbullying (i.e., malice, deception, public humiliation, and unwanted contact), intentions to engage in malice, willingness to engage in malice and deception, and empathy toward victims for three forms of cyberbullying, improved. Most differences remained at one-month follow-up. In Study 2 (N = 80), the author evaluated a live skit-based version of the Study 1 prevention program in a voluntary event setting. Attitudes and injunctive norms toward malice, deception, and public humiliation and intentions and willingness to engage in malice decreased, whereas cyberbullying knowledge increased pre- to post-test. Both video-based and peer-led cyberbullying programs may benefit adults. Workplace implications are discussed.
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Although definitions vary, cyberbullying has been defined as “an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself” (Smith et al., 2008, p. 376). Initial cyberbullying studies focused on youth; however, recent research has demonstrated that cyberbullying continues to be a problem into adulthood (e.g., Kowalski, Toth, & Morgan, 2018). Studies of college students have reported prevalence rates for cyberbullying victimization ranging from 9% to 95% (e.g., Crosslin & Crosslin, 2014; Doane, Kelley, Chiang, & Padilla, 2013; Phizacklea & Sargisson, 2018; Schenk & Fremouw, 2012; Wang, Yogeeswaran, Andrews, Hawi, & Sibley, 2019; Zalaquett & Chatters, 2014), and self-reported rates of having perpetrated cyberbullying range from 5% to 82% (e.g., Crosslin & Crosslin, 2014; Doane et al., 2013; MacDonald & Roberts-Pittman, 2010; Phizacklea & Sargisson, 2018; Varghese & Pistole, 2017; Zalaquett & Chatters, 2014). Although differences between studies in the definitions and measurement of cyberbullying make study comparisons difficult, clearly, cyberbullying is a pervasive problem among adults.

Traditional (i.e., face-to-face) bullying research among adults has largely focused on workplace bullying (e.g., Dal Cason, Casini, & Hellemans, 2020). Only recently have studies begun to address cyberbullying in the workplace context and its consequences (e.g., Muhonen, Jönsson, & Bäckström, 2017). Although more research is needed in this context, initial studies have found that workplace cyberbullying victimization is associated with negative workplace consequences (e.g., turnover, counterproductive work behaviors, lower job satisfaction, stressors in the workplace, and mental well-being) (Keskin, Akgün, Ayar, & Kayman, 2018; Kowalski et al., 2018; Vranjes, Baillien, Vandebosch, Erreygers, & De Witte, 2018). Given the potential seriousness of cyberbullying, prevention programs that are designed to increase awareness of cyberbullying and reduce these behaviors are clearly warranted. Unfortunately, few cyberbullying prevention programs have been developed, and even fewer target adults (for a review, see Doane, Kelley, & Pearson, 2016).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Injunctive Norms: Perceptions of others’ approval of a behavior.

Cyberbullying: Repetitive and intentional aggressive acts that are performed using electronic devices.

Empathy: Ability to understand another person’s perspective.

Perceived behavioral control: Perception of one’s ability to engage in a behavior.

Intentions: One’s plans to engage in the behavior in the future.

Attitudes: One’s approval of a behavior.

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