Green Space Development in Academic Libraries: A Case Study in Hong Kong

Green Space Development in Academic Libraries: A Case Study in Hong Kong

Choi Yee Ho, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Kevin K. W. Ho
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5964-5.ch010
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This study investigates the recent green development in the main library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the construction of the library's new wing and the students' opinions on its green development. This study adopted a qualitative research method to collect information from 10 users about the green features implemented and their influence. Another interview with the campus development office project manager responsible for the library facilities was also included to explore the current and potential future green practices. These methods aim to evaluate the green development in an academic library from three perspectives, including (1) the library's role in green development in terms of library facilities, (2) users' demand relating to greening the library, and (3) the influence caused by the greening activities of the library.
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Literature Review

The green library, also known as sustainable library, is “a library designed to minimize the negative impact on the natural environment and maximize indoor environmental quality through careful site selection, use of natural construction materials and biodegradable products, conservation of resources (water, energy, paper), and responsible waste disposal (recycling, etc.)” (Reitz, 1996). Some key terms are first clarified to facilitate subsequent discussions.

Green, is a concept “related to the protection of the environment,” with other synonyms, including environmentally friendly and sustainability. The term “go green” means “to do more to protect nature and the environment” (Cambridge University, 2017). Green development refers to urban development approaches and practices that reduce negative impacts or ideally produce net positive effects on the environment and nearby ecosystems (City of Burnaby, n.d.).

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