Exploring the Convergence of Digital Currencies and E-Commerce: Implications for Financial System Stability

Exploring the Convergence of Digital Currencies and E-Commerce: Implications for Financial System Stability

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0770-0.ch008
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The convergence of digital currencies and e-commerce represents a period of transformation in the financial landscape, reshaping transactions in the digital era. This chapter examines their intricate relationship, focusing on their effects on security, consumer behaviour, regulations, and access to global markets. Stakeholders must understand this synergy to exploit opportunities and overcome obstacles. Understanding this change is essential for success in the dynamic world of online finance and business.
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1. Introduction

The advent of digital currencies has signified a pivotal moment in the evolution of the financial landscape. Digital assets, supported by blockchain technology and cryptographic security, have posed a significant threat to conventional money and payment systems. Simultaneously, the e-commerce industry has seen rapid and unprecedented changes as incorporating digital currencies has expanded potential opportunities. Digital currencies can enable cross-border transactions with unparalleled efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Enhanced security measures and increased transparency minimize the potential dangers of fraudulent activities and unauthorized access to sensitive data (Joo et al., 2019; Polasik et al., 2015). Moreover, these currencies can include marginalized communities in the global digital economy, promoting financial inclusion on an unprecedented magnitude. Nevertheless, we are also faced with the impending problems that lie ahead. The anonymous characteristics of digital currencies give rise to apprehensions over safeguarding consumers and controlling regulatory measures.

The expeditious advancement of modern technology often surpasses regulatory frameworks, resulting in ambiguity inside the commercial milieu. The issue of reconciling privacy with openness presents a substantial difficulty (Mhlanga, 2023; Morgan, 2022; Rehman et al., 2020). Additionally, decentralized finance (DeFi) and innovative business models inside the digital currency realm also present regulators with additional challenges and intricacies. As we traverse this ever-changing environment, it becomes more apparent that this convergence is more than a fad; rather, it signifies a profound restructuring of the financial domain. This phenomenon challenges existing conventions, undermines conventional intermediaries, and grants people and corporations new levels of empowerment. In the following pages, we analyze and examine the many aspects of the convergence between digital currency and e-commerce, providing a thorough comprehension of the underlying dynamics. This investigation aims to provide stakeholders with the information and discernment necessary for making well-informed choices, capitalizing on opportunities, and effectively manoeuvring through the intricacies of this transformational endeavour. The ongoing narrative around digital currencies' influence on electronic commerce is a subject of continuing exploration and analysis (Li et al., 2022; Ivanova, 2019; Bao et al., 2019). This story has the potential to transform fundamental transactional practises, redefine existing financial institutions, and eventually bring about a revolutionary shift in digital commerce.

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