Emphasis on Design Principles in the Context of Communication Technologies in Mobile Advertising

Emphasis on Design Principles in the Context of Communication Technologies in Mobile Advertising

Gülce Dölkeleş
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4380-4.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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Design, technology, and communication are facts that can't be separated from each other. Because in the process of communication and processes from the technology bar, each one is a design process. Just as with design, ideas are generated from a problem in the process of communication and technology. Actions are being taken to bring the ideas produced to live. Communication processes and technology are the intertwined design of products. Visual communication design has an effective expression. From the design in the packaging of a product to the logo of a company and the colors used in the advertisement created for service to the symbol of a brand, the role of the design is high in communication between the customer who is the target audience. The purpose of this chapter is to focus on slogans and visuals in advertisements. This chapter will consist of the title introduction, background, main focus of the chapter, solutions, recommendations, future research directions, and conclusion.
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Advertising is a whole range of verbal, written and video activities to promote a product or service to the designated audience. The ad has a wide range of definitions. A few of these definitions are:

Advertisement is born from the word “clamare”, which means calling in Latin. The advertisement that goes through the French word “reclame” is a tobacco activity that supports sales policy and tries to force people to buy that product without forcing it (Okay, 2009: 6-7). A French-origin word, the advertisement from the root of reclame, is one of the most effective and strategic forms of mass communication used to influence or change human behavior in a desired direction. As an economic tool, the ad aims to ensure the formation of brands, to keep the product or service in the market, to sell it or to increase the demand. Increasing the sale of a product or service is a key goal, while it serves as economic communication (Batı, 2013: 11). Under the control of a particular person or institution, it is a non-personal announcement to convince and inform the target market of goods, services or thoughts (Tenekecioğlu, 1983: 85).

The advertisement should inform the customer about the terms of purchase of the products and influence the customer. Advertising refers to the most convincing, deceiving message using some tools to publicly, communicate, promote, promote, and promote the features, benefits and interests of a service, a place, something or something. The advertisement, which acts only as an act of selling goods or marketing services, or increasing demand against them, would want to quickly reach a conclusion with high budgets, that has an impact on the company output (product or service) and customers in order to achieve a direct profit (Çamdereli, 2005: 34-35).

The advertisement creates a purchase bee on the target audience and aims to increase demand against the advertised product. Results of advertising services can be obtained in the short term. There is a need for large budgets for advertising services to occur. The presence of a strong financing structure is not only a direct expression of the success of the advertising campaign, but it is important enough for the campaign to succeed.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mobile advertising: The type of ad shown on web pages and apps that appear on mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets.

Graphic Design: A creative process that involves organizing text and images in a plane, in two-dimensional or three-dimensional way to convey a message, enhance an image, or visualize an idea.

Advertising: One of the masterpieces of business and marketing. It is a tool that communicates between products and services and the consumer, provides information flow, and influences consumer buying behavior.

Design: Creating drawings of a plan or object.

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