Emerging Forms of Covert Surveillance Using GPS-Enabled Devices

Emerging Forms of Covert Surveillance Using GPS-Enabled Devices

Roba Abbas, Katina Michael, M. G. Michael, Anas Aloudat
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0981-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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This case presents the possibility that commercial mobile tracking and monitoring solutions will become widely adopted for the practice of non-traditional covert surveillance within a community setting, resulting in community members engaging in the covert observation of family, friends, or acquaintances. This case investigates five stakeholder relationships using scenarios to demonstrate the potential socio-ethical implications that tracking and monitoring will have on society. The five stakeholder types explored in this case include: (i) husband-wife (partner-partner), (ii) parent-child, (iii) employer-employee, (iv) friend-friend, and (v) stranger-stranger. Mobile technologies like mobile camera phones, global positioning system data loggers, spatial street databases, radio-frequency identification, and other pervasive computing can be used to gather real-time, detailed evidence for or against a given position in a given context. Limited laws and ethical guidelines exist for members of the community to follow when it comes to what is permitted when using unobtrusive technologies to capture multimedia and other data (e.g., longitude and latitude waypoints) that can be electronically chronicled. In this case, the evident risks associated with such practices are presented and explored.
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Five Scenarios: The Potential Mis(Use) Of Gps-Enabled Smart Phones By Community Members

This section discusses the stakeholder scenarios which are hypothetical cases whereby GPS-enabled smart phones might be used (or misused) by community members on one another for the purposes of covert surveillance.

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