E-Learning Critical Success Factors Impacts on Learner Satisfaction and Outcomes

E-Learning Critical Success Factors Impacts on Learner Satisfaction and Outcomes

Renuka Sharma, Kiran Mehta, Vandana Marda
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9764-4.ch004
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E-learning is an ever-changing concept, and many theories have been developed and studied for it. The common aptitude test for management schools in India started online in 2009, and almost all coaching firms, like testing firms, are migrating online. Furthermore, the current pandemic COVID-19 has required all participants in learning to be online for the previous year and a half. Therefore, the present study is designed to analyse the causal relationship of the factors affecting learners perceived-learning-outcomes-and-satisfaction of e-learning in the preparation of graduate admission tests. The results concluded that effective and constructive conversation among students, as well as between students and instructors, has a substantial and beneficial impact on learning outcomes. In addition, the course objectives and strategy, module structure, course content supplied to students, and grading component designs are all critical for an online class. The study is useful for e-learning educators, managers, and legislators.
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E-learning bridges the gap between learning and technology. In the previous two decades, there has been a rise in study on e-learning terminology and learning methods in higher education (Wu, 2016; Tsai, Shen, & Chiang, 2013). Due to the variety of technology and methodologies used for online learning, e-learning encompasses a wide range of approaches and behaviours (Clarke, 2007). Learners access the course via correspondence, e-mail, printed material, recorded audios, on-demand videos, virtual laboratories, computer-assisted instructions, synchronous or asynchronous communication, web-based material, multimedia, simulation and gaming, wireless/handheld devices, and other means in an online setting (Hiltz & Turoff, 2005). The researchers have revealed that the e-learning enhances their learning outcome and increases the satisfaction among students (Islam and Sheikh, 2019; Chopra, Madan, Jaisingh and Bhaskar; 2019). The factors like course quality, course structure, interactivity, faculty, style of learning, availability of course, flexibility and quality of tutorials, quality of technology and mentorship are the reasons for choice of e-learning mode by students (Freeman and Urbaczewski, 2019; Harsasi and Sutawijaya, 2018). The relevance of online courses for industry also increases the satisfaction level of learners (Eom and Ashill, 2016).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Questionnaire: A questionnaire is a research instrument having set of questions used to collect data from respondents. These are a type of written interview and can be done in person, via phone, computer, or mail.

Common Aptitude Test: CAT a popular and rigorous entrance exam for management schools in India, went online. It was developed like the GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test) and the GRE (Graduate Record Examination).

Learning Management System: LMS, as the name indicates, is an online classroom in which teachers and students can communicate with each other without having to meet face-to-face in a classroom using this sort of technology.

Purposive Sampling: It is a non-probability sampling technique in which “components chosen for the sample are picked based on the researcher's judgement.”

Constructivist Model: It is an important learning theory used by educators and it posits that humans actively create their own knowledge, and that learning experiences shape reality.

Structure Equation Modeling: It is a collection of statistical techniques for measuring and analyzing observed-latent relationships. It explores linear causal links between variables while accounting for measurement error.

E-Learning: E-learning is a formalized education approach that uses electronic resources. Put differently, the distribution of education to a large number of receivers at the same or various times is known as e-learning.

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