Deep Insights: Harnessing Convolutional Neural Networks for Precision Medical Imaging

Deep Insights: Harnessing Convolutional Neural Networks for Precision Medical Imaging

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3218-4.ch012
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Modern healthcare relies heavily on medical imaging, and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence--more specifically, the use of convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, have transformed the accuracy of diagnosis. This study investigates how CNNs can decode medical images more accurately than ever before. CNNs are highly effective in identifying complex patterns and characteristics from a variety of imaging modalities, which makes it possible to detect, classify, and segment pathological states more accurately. Their capacity to acquire hierarchical representations from large-scale datasets enhances the efficiency and dependability of diagnosis. This investigation highlights the critical role CNNs play in advancing patient care and results by converting medical imaging into an advanced tool for individualised diagnoses.
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1. Introduction

Precision medicine has seen a transformation in recent years with the introduction of cutting edge technologies into healthcare. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), one of these game-changing technologies, have become extremely effective instruments in medical imaging, providing previously unheard-of levels of precision and efficacy in diagnosis and treatment planning (Tajbakhsh et al., 2017). This article offers a thorough overview of CNN applications in precision medical imaging, examining its features, architecture, and potential to enhance patient outcomes.

By customising healthcare approaches to each patient's unique needs, precision medicine seeks to improve diagnosis and create more individualised treatment regimens. Despite their great value, traditional medical imaging methods can have issues with sensitivity and specificity. CNNs have become well-known as a state-of-the-art method, able to accurately and consistently extract complex patterns and characteristics from medical pictures. A subclass of deep neural networks called CNNs was created especially for image processing applications. Their design is influenced by how the human brain processes visual information. CNNs, which are made up of convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers, are particularly good at learning hierarchical data representations, which makes them ideal for complex medical picture processing (Chen et al., 2019).

  • CNNs have demonstrated remarkable potential in a range of medical imaging modalities.

  • X-ray and CT scans: CNNs can quickly and precisely diagnose conditions by precisely identifying anomalies such as tumours and fractures.

  • CNNs improve the detection of small abnormalities in MRI and PET scans, which helps with early illness diagnosis and therapy planning.

  • Pathological Imaging: CNNs are able to recognise and categorise cellular features on pathology slides, which helps pathologists diagnose conditions such as cancer (Sree et al., 2010).

CNNs have difficulties with generalisation and interpretability despite their amazing powers. To increase the transparency of CNN's decision-making processes, researchers are hard at work creating explainable artificial intelligence algorithms. To solve data scarcity problems and improve model performance, transfer learning where previously trained models are adjusted for particular medical tasks is also being investigated (Lu, 2017).

The smooth integration of CNNs into the clinical workflow is necessary for their effective use in precision medical imaging. To guarantee the ethical use of patient data, validation of models on a variety of datasets, and adherence to legal requirements, this calls for cooperation between data scientists and medical practitioners (Mangalampalli & Sree, 2022). The ongoing development of CNNs and related technologies holds the key to the future of precision medical imaging. The integration of several modalities, such as combining genomes data with imaging, is being investigated in ongoing research to improve diagnosis accuracy even more. Furthermore, the use of AI-driven decision support systems and improvements in real-time image processing have enormous potential to enhance patient outcomes (Anwar et al., 2018).


2. Literature Survey

Recent years have seen notable advances in precision medicine as a result of the convergence of deep learning and medical imaging. A key component of this revolution has been the emergence of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which have shown remarkable promise in the interpretation of medical pictures (Sarvamangala & Raghavendra, 2022). The primary objective of this literature review is to examine significant discoveries, approaches, and developments in the use of CNNs for precision medical imaging (Qayyum et al., 2017).

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