Culinary Narratives and Community Revitalization: The Role of Media in Promoting Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism

Culinary Narratives and Community Revitalization: The Role of Media in Promoting Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1814-0.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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This discussion examines how media promotes sustainable gourmet tourism and community development. Gastronomy tourism explores the cultural, historical, and social aspects of gastronomy, which boost community pride and economic growth. The move from traditional to digital media, especially social media and influencer marketing, has a major impact on culinary tourism. Successful media campaigns for global gourmet tourism are shown in case studies. The difficulties of balancing commercialization with authenticity and ethical cultural portrayal are carefully examined. Future advances may include using VR and AR to enhance tourist experiences and encourage culinary tourism. Community engagement and sustainable practices in gourmet tourism are stressed, as is the role of media in promoting and preserving cultural heritage. The conversation concludes with acknowledging media's dynamic and complicated impact.
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When it comes to investigating sustainable gastronomy tourism, the convergence of culinary narratives, community rehabilitation, and media promotion presents a complicated and varied route to investigate. The purpose of this chapter is to present a conceptual framework that outlines the significant role that the media plays in strengthening and promoting gastronomy tourism as an effort that is both sustainable and revitalising to the community. According to Bessière (1998), gastronomy tourism is not simply about the act of consuming food; rather, it encompasses the complex narratives, cultural practices, and traditions that are responsible for shaping the gastronomic experience. According to Robinson and Clifford (2012), this type of tourism has been gaining popularity on account of its integration with the local culture, heritage, and environmentally responsible practices that are prevalent in the tourism sector.

The Essence of Gastronomy Tourism

The concept of gastronomy tourism goes beyond the confines of conventional tourism and the consumption of food. According to Everett and Aitchison (2008), it provides an insight into the varied culinary landscapes of other regions, thereby delving into an immersive experience that is rich in both history and culture. According to Long (2004), the essence of gastronomy tourism is anchored in the experience of food as an expression of cultural identity and legacy. This fact is emphasised throughout the article. According to Hall and Gossling (2013), this type of tourism provides visitors with a glimpse into the distinctive culinary legacy of communities, thereby establishing a connection between their travels and the customs, practices, and social rituals that are associated with dining.

Media’s Role in Gastronomy Tourism

There are many different forms of media, and each one plays an important part in the process of forming the narrative of gastronomic tourism. Traditional media outlets, in addition to more recent digital platforms, have the ability to spread culinary stories and experiences to a wider audience, which can have a considerable impact on how people perceive gastronomic locations and how popular they are (Hjalager & Richards, 2002). Telfer and Wall (1996) explore the role that the media plays as an important instrument in marketing and moulding the image of culinary tourism. This type of tourism has the ability to influence consumer behaviour as well as destination branding. In this context, the function of the media is not limited to merely conducting promotional activities; rather, it is directly involved in the telling of stories that honour and preserve the culinary culture of destinations.

The Impact on Local Communities

The media's role in promoting gourmet tourism has a significant influence on the communities that are directly affected by it. According to Hall and Sharples (2003), it helps to revitalise ancient culinary practices and adds to the economic growth of the geographical locations in which it is located. The awareness of local cuisines and culinary traditions can be increased through media exposure, which increases the likelihood of attracting tourists who are looking for authentic and culturally immersing experiences. It is possible for this flood of tourists to result in economic benefits and the revitalization of local communities, while also insuring the preservation and maintenance of traditional culinary expertise and practices (Richards, 2002).

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