Crop Improvement Strategies and Principles of Selective Breeding

Crop Improvement Strategies and Principles of Selective Breeding

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9838-5.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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Introducing new crop varieties, crop improvement, and selective breeding enable contemporary agriculture to alleviate food poverty, increase crop production, and enhance product quality. This chapter covers selective breeding, genetically modified crops, genetic resource conservation, and upcoming technologies. Selective breeding discusses heritability, gene frequency, dominance, and epistasis to predict genetic progress. Agricultural innovation involves genetic variety and variation to develop robust and high-performing crop types. Mass selection, pedigree selection, and recurrent selection for trait enhancement are investigated. Marker-assisted and genomic selection are tested for breeding speed and accuracy. The chapter covers genetically modified crops, agricultural improvement, and genetic resource conservation for sustainable agriculture. Gene editing, synthetic biology, and machine learning may boost agricultural yields. According to the abstract, crop development and selective breeding are essential for food security, sustainability, climate change, and agricultural demands.
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Crop improvement is pivotal in ensuring food security, advancing agricultural sustainability, and fostering robust crop varieties. Various strategies aim to tackle the challenges posed by climate change and meet the growing global food demand by enhancing key traits such as yield, disease resistance, environmental adaptability, and nutrient content. Among these strategies, selective breeding is a fundamental approach for improving agriculture. It involves intentionally selecting and propagating desirable traits within plants, ultimately yielding improved varieties that cater to the needs of both growers and consumers. Crop enhancement encompasses a process dedicated to refining and bolstering the genetic makeup of crops to elevate their productivity, quality, and resilience against biotic and abiotic stressors. In addition to traditional breeding methods, modern techniques such as marker-assisted selection and genetic engineering have emerged as valuable tools in the realm of crop improvement, broadening the scope of possibilities (Zakari et al., 2022; Maharjan & Maharjan, 2018; Adenle et al., 2015). The significance of crop improvement must be considered, especially given the burgeoning global population and the challenges posed by climate change. Furthermore, these enhancement techniques have substantially contributed to producing high-quality agricultural products, increasing farmers' profitability and offering consumers improved nutritional choices (Yang et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2020).

This chapter probes into the core principles of selective breeding and explores a wide range of crop enhancement strategies, encompassing both traditional and modern approaches within agriculture. The examination includes an in-depth look at the genetic underpinnings of selective breeding, shedding light on the importance of gene diversity and genetic variation in the context of agricultural enhancement. It draws comparisons between traditional breeding techniques, such as mass selection, pedigree selection, and recurrent selection, and their contemporary counterparts, such as marker-assisted and genomic selection. Additionally, we delve into genetically modified crops and their contributions to advancing agriculture, conserving genetic resources, and introducing innovative crop improvement technologies. It contemplates the future of crop enhancement and its pivotal role in securing global food security and promoting sustainability in agriculture.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Selective Breeding: The intentional mating of organisms with desired traits to perpetuate those traits in subsequent generations, shaping the genetic makeup of a population.

Breeding: The controlled reproduction of organisms to produce desired traits and characteristics, often applied to plants or animals in agriculture.

Genetic Diversity: The variety of genes within a population critical for adaptability and resilience to environmental changes, diseases, and other challenges.

Genetically Modified Commodities: Agricultural products altered through genetic engineering to enhance specific traits, such as resistance to pests or improved nutritional content.

Heritability: The extent to which genetic factors contribute to observable traits in offspring, influencing the transmission of characteristics from one generation to the next.

Climate Change: Long-term shifts in global or regional climate patterns, often attributed to human activities, impacting weather, ecosystems, and agricultural practices.

Crop Enhancement: Improving the quality and yield of crops through various methods, including breeding, genetic modification, and advanced agricultural practices.

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