Considerations for Future Technology Development Based on EFL Teachers' Integration of Technology

Considerations for Future Technology Development Based on EFL Teachers' Integration of Technology

Tim Kochem, Ananda Astrini Muhammad, Yasin Karatay, Haeyun Jin, Volker Hegelheimer
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2591-3.ch012
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Technology-enhance language learning (TELL) continues to grow in use within language classrooms. However, a number of hurdles still remain when it comes to the effective integration of technology for skill-specific language learning, such as a lack of training and an overabundance of tools to choose from. This chapter identifies and describes three major hurdles that still plague effective TELL practices. Authors describe 2 current efforts to overcome these hurdles: a Global Online Course (GOC) on effective educational technology integration, and a year-long comparative case study on the GOC that explores the trainees' perceptions of educational technology. The chapter presents potential avenues for overcoming the above hurdles based on insights gained from four teachers of the GOC, as well as the trainees' perceptions and integration of educational technology in the language classroom.
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As we continue to move further away from whether we use technology towards how we use technology in the language classroom, it becomes increasingly vital to explore best practices and provide hands-on learning experiences for the language teachers of tomorrow. As researchers (e.g., Reinders, 2009; Torsani, 2016; Warschauer, 1997) have discussed for over two decades now, simply having the skills to operate educational technology, whether a computer program or emergent technology, is not indicative of a person’s ability to teach with the said technology. This transferability blockage, from technical know-how to language education, has brought about a new understanding of TELL practices and research, that is, techno-pedagogy (Guichon & Hauck, 2011). The aim of techno-pedagogy within language learning is to better understand the dynamic manner in which language pedagogy and educational technology often interact. Yet even with this understanding, education for pre-service teachers or providing professional development for in-service teachers in TELL remains somewhat limited (Kessler & Hubbard, 2017). What this means moving forward is that teacher training programs and professional development opportunities should include information about technological affordances that can support language learning and teaching (Hampel & Stickler, 2005; Kessler, 2010, Kessler & Hubbard, 2017). This also includes instructing teachers in how to provide learner training in technology use both inside and outside the classroom (Hubbard, 2004, 2013, 2018).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Computer-Assisted Language Learning: The use of computer programs and applications to aid in the learning and teaching of languages.

Techno-Pedagogy: The term used to refer to pedagogical practices and methods that include the integration of technology as a primary component.

Community Of Practice: Any group of individuals who share a craft or profession.

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: The incorporation of any technology to support and enhance the learning and teaching of languages.

Open Educational Resources: Educational resources that are freely accessible, adaptable, and distributable that can be in various file formats.

Educational Technology: Any digital technology that has been designed with educational purposes in mind, primarily to facilitate learning.

E-Learning: Typically refers to the use of the internet to provide learning opportunities, such as online courses and video lectures.

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