Application of Experiential, Inquiry-Based, Problem-Based, and Project-Based Learning in Sustainable Education

Application of Experiential, Inquiry-Based, Problem-Based, and Project-Based Learning in Sustainable Education

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9859-0.ch006
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This chapter explores integrating pedagogical approaches for sustainable teaching and learning, emphasizing the capacity to meet present requirements without compromising the future. It highlights the merits of experiential, inquiry-based, problem-based, and project-based methods in sustainable practices in education. Experiential learning emphasizes practical application and reflection, whereas inquiry-based learning promotes inquiry and exploration. Problem-based learning immerses students in real-world sustainability challenges and interdisciplinary collaboration, whereas project-based learning enables students to take on leadership roles. Integrating these techniques offers a variety of options for addressing complex environmental issues. Future obstacles include integrating technology and ensuring equitable access. Integrated educational practices require learner-centred approaches, collaboration, and continuous feedback, empowering students to become proactive sustainability advocates and promoting positive change for a sustainable future.
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1. Introduction

Sustainable refers to the ability to fulfil current needs so that it does not hinder the capacity of future generations to meet their requirements. It includes environmental, social, and economic dimensions. In other words, sustainable endeavours to balance ecological health, social equity, and economic prosperity so that human activities and the natural world can coexist harmoniously. As global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, social inequality, and resource depletion intensify, adopting sustainable practices becomes essential for the survival and prosperity of humanity and the planet. Educating current and future generations about sustainability is necessary to form responsible and well-informed global citizens who can positively contribute to creating a more sustainable future. Effective education for sustainable practice necessitates innovative pedagogical strategies beyond conventional teaching techniques (Lim et al., 2022; Jeronen, 2022; Salovaara et al., 2019). This chapter examines several essential approaches that have effectively engaged students and nurtured a comprehensive understanding of sustainable issues. These methods include: Experiential learning involves hands-on experiences that enable students to engage with situations and challenges from the real world actively. By engaging in sustainable-related activities, students acquire practical skills, critical thinking skills, and a heightened awareness of their actions' environmental and social consequences.

Inquiry-based learning encourages students to query and investigate sustainable issues independently. Learners develop a deeper comprehension of complex problems through investigation and analysis, enabling them to propose inventive solutions and take ownership of their learning journey. Problem-based learning focuses on presenting students with authentic, sustainable issues. Students develop a strong sense of responsibility and purpose through collaborative problem-solving and applying theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. Project-based learning entails the development of long-term, hands-on, sustainable-related initiatives. These initiatives inspire a sense of empowerment and accomplishment by encouraging students to collaborate, implement interdisciplinary knowledge, and innovate while confronting real-world problems (Smith et al., 2022; Herranen et al., 2020; Jonassen & Hung, 2012; Lam, 2012). This chapter sets the groundwork for investigating pedagogical approaches that can effectively promote teaching and learning for sustainable practice. By delineating and emphasizing the significance of sustainable practice, we establish the context for why such educational endeavours are crucial in the modern world. Experiential, inquiry-based, problem-based, and project-based learning provides educators with valuable tools and insights. By scrutinizing the advantages and implementations of each approach, readers will comprehend how these methods can effectively promote sustainable education. This chapter provides examples of successful deployments, emphasizes best practices, and discusses potential obstacles and their solutions. After reading this chapter, readers will gain the knowledge and inspiration to incorporate these pedagogical approaches into their teaching practices, nurturing a culture of sustainable practices and empowering future generations to become proactive agents of positive change.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Pedagogical Approaches: Diverse strategies and methods employed by educators to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

Project-Based Learning: Students engage in long-term, real-world projects to apply knowledge and cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Sustainable Education: Educational efforts focused on promoting environmental, social, and economic sustainable principles and practices.

Problem-Based Learning: Students actively solve real-world problems, fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary thinking.

Inquiry-Based Learning: Active learning involves questioning, exploring, and critical thinking to develop problem-solving skills.

Integrated Approaches: Combining multiple pedagogical strategies to enhance the effectiveness of sustainable education.

Experiential Learning: A hands-on, learning-by-doing approach that deepens understanding through real-world experiences.

Future Directions: Anticipated advancements and developments in sustainable education and pedagogical approaches.

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