Successful Use of Knowledge-Based Systems for Collaboration in Higher Education: University of Nizwa, Sultan Qaboos University as a Case Study

Successful Use of Knowledge-Based Systems for Collaboration in Higher Education: University of Nizwa, Sultan Qaboos University as a Case Study

Nour Eldin Mohamed Elshaiekh Osman, Musa Ali Fadlalla
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJKBO.2021040104
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Knowledge-based systems are forms of computerized tools designed specially to help in many aspects specifically in collaboration activities. Despite the importance of these tools in generating, exchanging, and sharing the information and knowledge, many institutions, especially educational ones, are not interested in them, because of insufficient knowledge of the role of knowledge-based systems and their effectiveness in the academic events. The basic purposes of this paper are to find the role of knowledge-based systems collaboration tools (KBSCT) in higher educational institutions and to recognize in what way institution and student performance are affected by implementing KBSCT. The research questionnaires distributed to 100 participants, but only 67 were used and included in the frequency analysis. The results added a contribution in terms of identifying how the KBSCT effect on the higher educational institution and student's decisions.
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Knowledge- Based Systems Collaboration Tool (Kbsct)

According to Zarate (2013), knowledge based system collaboration tools are programming tools that deliver variety services for sharing and exchanging knowledge and information with different users. KBSCT is a collection of procedures and tools that allow coworkers to cooperate with each other as well as with teachers and students via web-based schemes to share knowledge and to work on the road to a collective goal.

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