Open Business Models for Business Technology Management Bodies of Knowledge

Open Business Models for Business Technology Management Bodies of Knowledge

Svetlana Sidenko, Raul Valverde, Stephane Gagnon
DOI: 10.4018/IJOCI.2019070102
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The information systems (IS) discipline is in an ongoing crisis because of several reasons. Learning institutions do not have a well-defined curriculum on what should be taught in the IS discipline. Recently, there are many organizations and researchers who have come up with different BoKs in the IS discipline as discussed in this article. Additionally, IS discipline does not have a universal body of knowledge like in other fields such as electrical engineering which makes it even more challenging to align the existing industry knowledge and academic curriculum. Therefore, there is a need to develop a unified knowledge framework in the IS discipline which offers a single source of reference in both professional sector and development of academic curriculum. The major challenge in the developing of a unified knowledge framework in the IS discipline is that it is changing and evolving rapidly.
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With the development of the technology, the learning institutions have to come up with strategies to improve the curriculum. The IS professionals have to learn skills which are required in the job market. The students have to acquire skills and knowledge which are aligned with the industry. A research carried out by Aasheim, Li, Shropshire, and Kadlec (2011) showed that the learning institutions are supposed to focus on integrating soft skills. Another research carried out showed that there is a need to focus on technical IT skills because most of the companies outsource them. High-tech areas can be in core IT skills (Deanne & Chang 2016). Technical IT skills were listed as the skills which are desired in new hires (Aasheim, et al. 2011). However, the trend for the skills required in the marketplace continues to change now and then, therefore learning institutions need to carry out research frequently and keep adjusting the curriculum based on the needs of the market.

The new technology enables organizations to carry out things that we never imagined that we could do before. However, just because we have the tools needed to do some things it does not mean that we can do the job as a professional person (Greenfeld, 2012). There is more to just having the tools. It is important to understand how the technological tools are used based on context. The professionals are supposed to re-evaluate their mission and role based on technological and other developments so as to stay relevant (Greenfeld, 2012).

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