Key Success Factors in an Online English Learning Environment From Tertiary Learners' Perspectives

Key Success Factors in an Online English Learning Environment From Tertiary Learners' Perspectives

Atima Kaewsa-ard
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJOPCD.311436
(Individual Articles)
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During the COVID-19 crisis, universities worldwide were forced to shift from face-to-face instruction to online instruction. This shift exposes learners to challenges they have never encountered, and numerous studies have revealed a variety of barriers preventing learners from achieving learning goals in an online learning environment. Accordingly, there is an increasing need to understand the factors that contribute to learner success. This study therefore analyzed the key success factors that could assist learners in learning more efficiently in an online learning environment. The participants of this study were 105 Thai learners who were in their second year of an undergraduate degree. To reach the objective of this study, two distinct data collection procedures were used: a questionnaire for learners to identify the factors effecting learners' success in an online course and a focus group interview. The result indicated that teacher support, interaction during learning, and technological support are all critical for the success in online learning.
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Online learning has grown in popularity and has become an integral part of modern education in all fields, including higher education. During the COVID-19 crisis, universities worldwide were forced to shift from face-to-face instruction to online instruction. Baldwin-Evans (2006) defined online learning as the process of acquiring knowledge through the use of the Internet as a platform for accessing educational materials. Learners can interact with the content, instructors, and other learners through the use of electronic media and devices, which assist in the acquisition of knowledge and new experiences during the learning process.

Previously, online education has been viewed as a viable alternative, one that is especially well-suited to adult learners seeking higher education opportunities. However, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators and learners at all levels of education have had to quickly adapt to virtual courses. Numerous educational institutions have been forced to adopt online learning as learners can access the course whenever they want and from any location with an internet connection (Maheshwari, 2020). Additionally, the synchronous features enable real-time interaction between learners and instructors. It also facilitates communication with experts in their chosen field of study. Through good online learning apps or software, all learners, regardless of classroom size or time limits, have an equal chance to engage in conversations, voice opinions, and exchange information (Thomson, 2010). Furthermore, an online learning system accommodates a variety of learning styles due to its breadth of options and resources. Kirtman's study (2009) discovered that online learning incorporates a variety of technological tools and online resources encouraging learners to participate actively in various class activities, thereby encouraging shy learners to engage more fully in the online learning environment and increasing learners’ satisfaction.

While online learning has transformed the concept of education and provides teachers with an efficient method of delivering lessons to learners, this shift in learning mode exposes learners worldwide to challenges they have never encountered in a face-to-face learning environment, and numerous studies have revealed a variety of barriers preventing learners from achieving learning goals in an online learning environment. For language class, when digital language learners study English, they bring their own unique experiences to the online classroom. Each student's approach to learning English is unique, and the techniques and surroundings that assist competent language learners in acquiring the target language are common among those who are successful in their endeavors to become fluent in the target language (Lowyck, Lehtinen & Elen, 2004). A study by Song, Singleton, Hill, and Koh (2004) concluded that the majority of learners agreed that the design of language learning courses, learner motivation, teacher support, and enhancing technologies all had an effect on learners ' success in online learning. Sarisakaloglu's study (2015) revealed that many learners struggle to learn in an online learning environment due to their diverse learning styles, lack of affective support, poor internet connectivity, and underdeveloped instructional design, all of which have an effect on future learners learning intentions. Correspondingly, Maheshwari (2020) and Das et al. (2021). point out that in an online learning environment, intrinsic qualities such as self-efficacy, contentment, and motivation all have a substantial impact on learner performance. Extrinsic elements like as language and culture, the instructor, class activities, accessible resources, and technological tools all have a substantial impact on learners' progress.

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