Integrated Approaches for Peri-Urban Wastescapes: Eco-Innovative Strategies of the REPAiR Project in the Naples Case Study

Integrated Approaches for Peri-Urban Wastescapes: Eco-Innovative Strategies of the REPAiR Project in the Naples Case Study

Francesca Garzilli, Chiara Mazzarella, Valentina Vittiglio
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJUPSC.2020070104
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This article analyses the effectiveness of circular economy principles applied to the peri-urban territories of Naples, carrying out three integrated “eco-innovative strategies” developed within the H2020 REPAiR project (REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas). The main purpose of the research is to combine the rationalization of waste flows and land recovery. Waste, from scattered materials, turns into new resources for the peri-urban areas. The authors intend to describe how it is possible to create a synergy between urban crisis and technological tools working to improve the metabolism of the peri-urban context. Through the agency of mappings, as holders of knowledge and tools, strategies and scenarios are proposed. Such a process allows the research to create a synergy between two disciplines, one belonging to metabolic rationalization of flows and the other related to urban planning and regeneration of ecologically compromised territories. Thus, the peri-urban space, re-using its waste materials, is re-read and re-designed as a complex and compelling landscape system.
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The authors describe the integrated approach applied to the Neapolitan peri-urban context using wasted land as trigger sites for territorial regeneration. Firstly, starting from the references in the literature on waste territories, the proposed document provides the definition of wastescapes as conceived within the REPAiR project and the importance that they assume within the peri-urban areas. Secondly, the paper presents the material and investigates the methodology with which the approach has been conceived, tested in the pilot case study of Naples. Specifically, waste flows are studied and considered as resources for the regeneration of territory under consideration and to improve their urban metabolism. The core of methodology is incardinated on the mapping process. This is the main support tool for the definition and development of integrated strategies that are the operative result of the project. The aim of the document is twofold. On the one hand, research aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of approaches based on recycling of what is currently considered waste; on the other hand, how these can have a positive impact on the waste supply chain, and at the same time suggest a bold rethink of the landscape project. Therefore, the definition of new soils, as a result of the proposed process, represents an important catalyst for practices based on recycling and a new area of reconciliation between the urban and rural interface.

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