Governance of City Resilience

Governance of City Resilience

Graham Colclough, Andoni González-Gómez, Marc Velasco, John Stevens, Patrick Goodey, Rob Henderson, James L. Webber, Maria Joao Telhado, Rafaela de Saldanha Matos
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/IJUPSC.2021070105
(Individual Articles)
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Cities face a growing set of complex interdependent challenges. Increasing urban populations, ageing infrastructure, and uncertainties regarding the scale and manifestation of variety of contemporary challenges all highlight the increasing pressures facing decision makers to make substantial change. The influence of City Hall to convene, engage and involve, guide and steer, provide or liberate resources, demonstrate, and decide are all important means by which a city can accelerate and strengthen how it mitigates risks and rebounds from adverse situations better. This paper explores the experiences of cities involved in the RESCCUE project—Bristol, Barcelona, and Lisbon—in addressing climate change risks within pre-existing governance frameworks. The principal conclusion is that there is an absence of a common language and organising framework to strengthen the governance of city resilience, and to that end, the authors offer an emerging framework.
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Research Methods

This analysis of governance of city resilience is informed from five sources:

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