From Manufacture to Cognofacture: A Relational Viable Systems Theory for Warping Network

From Manufacture to Cognofacture: A Relational Viable Systems Theory for Warping Network

Leonardo P. Lavanderos
DOI: 10.4018/IJPMPA.2021010103
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This paper aims to contribute to developing a new approach related to the viability concept. This paper also demonstrates the relevance of change from the 'object' concept to the concept of 'relation' for organizational design. A system, or a viable unit in a relational sense, cannot be separated from its circumstances: what surrounds it must remain with it. What is referred to as external is not an entity apart from the unit, and, for that reason, the definitions of 'medium' and 'environment' that are being used do not correspond to these criteria. In the present context, the value generation process is mainly located in the strategic role of intangibles; as noted earlier, value propagation necessarily implies the understanding that this process is distanced from traditional physical rules whenever there emerges a relational field that allows its implementation. Emergent design or warp network is fundamentally a relational process developed from co-autonomy upon a heterarchical operational structure.
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Relational View

We call the relational approach of knowing the epistemological position that privileges the observer/entorno relationship as a process of construction of territoriality, defining territoriality as a process of effective equivalence in the exchange of maps or landscapes (configurations of the meaning), based on the activity generated in entorno's observers in communication. Effectiveness emerges in the affective domain. We will refer to this relationship as “functor” or “linker”. In the case that the configurative dynamic occurs in Culture, the functor produces meta-guidelines from the usage of tautologies derive from epistemology type from where the “entorno” observer. For “entorno” concept see Malpartida & Lavanderos (2000). In other words, the semiotic field is a “cloud of signs” whose configurability is determined by the paradigm it carries out.

Functor specifies a systemic sphere, a context where the relationship itself makes a communication system that as a communicational phenomenon is expressed in an emerging manifestation that we could call behavior. Therefore, it is not possible to dissociate «behavior» from «relationship». Following with Humberto Eco, we can affirm that “the communication system establishes the configurability of the semiotic field through the co-construction of guidelines, which start to produce conducts in their pragmatic dimension, that contribute to modifying it” Eco (1996). If the semiotic field contributes to individualize the guidelines whereby the configuration is founded, in such a case it can teach us to alter a communication process, acting on the semiotic field in a way of changing the sense of such guidelines.

This school proposes that knowledge is an emergent process of relational configurations that are generated from the extraction of differences by an observer within his entorno, which only has meaning for him Froese (2010), Lavanderos (2002), Lavanderos and Malpartida (2001), Malpartida (1991) and Malpartida and Lavanderos, (2000). This meaning is what allows patterns of territoriality solicitation or, put another way, from creating an identity through appropriating and belonging. From this process, territoriality as a collective idea is co-constructed among observers that constitute the network. Consequently, descriptions and interpretations are determined through cultural strategies of communication (communication closure) which we define as the generation of configurations of territoriality, Bich, and Arnellos (2012) and Meincke (2018).

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