The Eco-Knowledge City Theory and its Practice in Shenzhen of China

The Eco-Knowledge City Theory and its Practice in Shenzhen of China

Dong Wang, Zhanglan Wu, Yan Li, Yunzhi Wang
DOI: 10.4018/jabim.2012070106
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Eco-knowledge city is a new concept for the world’s urban studies, an all-new urban form, and concept of urban development and strategy. The core of eco-knowledge city is to surpass the traditional urban development model of industrial society strategically, to purposely encourage citizens to learn and share knowledge equally, and to enhance creativity through the cultivation of knowledge, technological innovation, and scientific research, sequentially to reduce material consumption and pollution, and to achieve cooperative development of urban economy, society, and environment. Shenzhen would not only pay attention to elements of ecological knowledge in the industrial field, but also would like to embody the characteristics of emphasis on ecology and respect for knowledge in all aspects of city life. Ecological knowledge has become the source of power for the city to continue moving forward.
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2. Theory Of Eco-Knowledge City

Eco-knowledge city is not only a city which cultivates modern knowledge-intensive industries, but also a city which breeds and develops knowledge among citizens, and pays attention to the living environment of citizens. Its idea is that modern knowledge is used for scientific research and innovation, and is applied to the ecological environment, in order to create new material goods and spiritual products, which will eventually change the city’ look, but also examine the accuracy and usefulness of knowledge, the impact of knowledge in this way is continuous, and low-carbon. As a result, eco-knowledge city is a city which focuses on the cultivation and dissemination of modern knowledge, and exerts its influence on the ecological environment of the city.

2.1. The Theory of Ecology City

The concept of eco-city was firstly introduced in the 1970 s, together with the study “human and biosphere” by UNESCO which put forward five principles of eco-city, becoming the foundation of the development of the eco-city theory. The Soviet scholar Yanitsky (1984) thinks ecological city is a kind of ideal city model, which technology and nature fully mix together; creativity and productivity gets the maximum protection; material, energy and information is fully used, and ecology is in a virtuous cycle. The United States ecologist Rechester (1987) thinks that an ecological city is a settlement which is compact and full of energy, and contains harmonious coexistence of energy-saving and nature. Huang and Yuan (2001) think that an ecological city is a sustainable subsystem of the global regional ecological system. It is a compound system including harmonious nature, fair society, and effective economy, and is constructed based on the ecology principle. In 2002, the fifth International Ecological-City Conference held in Shenzhen, China, passed the Shenzhen Declaration on Eco-city Construction, and proposed that the construction of eco-city should be carried out from five dimensions, including eco-safety, eco-health, eco-industry metabolism, improvement of ecological landscape, and cultivation of ecological cultural awareness.

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