Comprehensive Study on Keyword Search on Semi Structured Data

Comprehensive Study on Keyword Search on Semi Structured Data

Dayananda P., Sowmyarani C. N.
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/IJKSR.2016070105
(Individual Articles)
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Keyword search is a user-friendly approach that enables inexperienced users to easily retrieve information from XML data with no specific knowledge of complex structured query language. Since an XML document can have a large size and contain a lot of information, an XML keyword search result should be a fragment of an XML document dynamically constructed at query time, which is achievable due to the structuredness of XML. Processing keyword searches on XML has several challenges, e.g., what are the elements in the XML document that are relevant to the query? How to generate the results efficiently and rank the results meaningfully? How to present the results to the user in a way such that the user can quickly find the desired information? In this survey, the authors review the papers in the literature that attempted to address these problems. The authors divide the existing approaches into several classes based on the problem they tackled, and perform a comprehensive analysis of these works.
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1. Introduction

With the development of information science and information society, an increasing number of information on the internet is stored in XML format. Given the fact that XML is becoming the standard in exchanging and representing data, how to extract accurate information in an effective and efficient way from XML documents has become an important issue arousing much interest of researchers. For any research oriented novel effort, the analysis of existing systems and respective in depth knowledge exploration is of great significance. The number of research methods are implemented in the field of information retrieval for keyword search on semi-structured data and these researches possesses certain strengths as well as limitation. Hence, understating the existing research for its respective strengths as well as weaknesses, the scholar can get better insight of the technologies and approaches to achieve optimal solution. Thus, taking into consideration of these requirements, in this chapter of the presented thesis, a number of literatures have been explored and studied for keyword search on semi-structured data.

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