Border Security and Surveillance System Using IoT

Border Security and Surveillance System Using IoT

Siham Boukhalfa, Abdelmalek Amine, Reda Mohamed Hamou
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/IJIRR.289953
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Security along the international border is a critical process in security assessment; It must be exercised the 24x7. With the advancements in wireless IoT technology, it has become much easier to design, develop and deploy a cost-effective, automatic and efficient system for intrusion detection in the context of surveillance. This paper set up to set up the most efficient surveillance solution, we propose a Border Surveillance Systems and sensitive sites. this surveillance and security system is to detect and track intruders trespassing into the monitoring area along the border, it able which triggers off precocious alerts and valuation necessary for the catch of efficient measurements in case of a threat. Our system is based on the classification of the human gestures drawn from videos envoy by Drones equipped with cameras and sensors in real-time. All accomplished experimentation and acquired results showed the benefit diverted from the use of our system and therefore it enables our soldiers to watch the borders at each and every moment to effectively and at low cost.
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1. Introduction And Problematic

The security of borders plays a key role in the assertion of national security, management of lawful immigration, prevention of smuggling, and defense against hostile threats. It is necessary to avoid hostile intrusions, the fluxes of underground immigrants, and the traffic linked by the conductors.

Indeed, borders remain the most visible mark of a state's sovereignty over a territory, and their management of its involvement in protecting its people from threats it defines as such: international terrorism, smuggling, organized crime, irregular migration, and multifaceted trafficking (human beings, drugs, raw materials or ALPC). Border threats differ from country to country, so each of the neighboring countries has developed its own structure for border guard units.

However, they notice that a typical resolution for the surveillance of borders consists in putting towers of observation, of post offices of security and organizing patrols of surveillance to discern possible illegal movements of persons or vehicles in the area around border, to accomplish a big variety of missions: observation, detection and tells real-time about the slightest changeability the centers of command and control For this we propose a surveillance system to combat terrorism, smuggling, organized crime, and irregular migration, it is designed to ensure the missions of permanent control or temporary border or camp protection, bivouac, sensitive site, convoy route. The system allows continuous operation under “complex and demanding” conditions, without putting lives in danger, and which helps armies and governments to manage changes at the level of threats.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a developing worldview that enables communication among sensors and electronic gadgets through the Internet to facilitate our lives. IoT utilize smart devices and internet to give creative answers for different difficulties and issues (Kumar and Tiwari, 2019). The structure of our system depends on connections between objects (sensors, drones, and surveillance cameras) that they give capacities to control by the center of command (which can be far from borders) before it is too late. Nature is vast, it is a powerful source of inspiration for solving complex computer problems, she always finds the optimal solution to solve her problem and maintains the perfect balance between its components, an interesting new paradigm known as the bio-inspired consists in analyzing the living world in order to translate biological models of all forms (animals, plants, micro-organisms, ecosystems... etc.) into technical and algorithmic concepts, many works have been done in the field of bio-inspiration to solve different problems and others are still in progress, the main issue in this work is the creation of a new bio-inspired technique that can enhance security while respecting the privacy of human beings represents. In this work is we use a bio-inspired model based on the style of life of the Cockroaches for the purpose of detect terrorists and non-soldier people by the characteristics of gestures which are intruders of being dangerous (criminals, terrorists… etc.) instead of the faces.

The technique is based on the connections between smart objects in which is based on picking up pictures through drones equipped with cameras that are able to connect with smartphones So that it can monitor borders from any place and the use of the characteristics of gestures that are suspected of being dangerous instead of the faces. We apply the classification of gestures human being by the Bio-Inspired technique of Grouping Cockroaches Classifier (GCC) based on the style of life Cockroaches and operate on the phenomenon of seeking the most attractive and secure place (shelter) for hiding for a good detected the gesture of unwanted individuals this algorithm is based on a learning base and classify the gestures of the test base and labels them, each gesture take one of two classes (gestures of border soldiers and gesture of terrorists and non-soldier people), and we apply also a new technology for the presentation of picture (n-grams pixels) to construct a system of control of borders. Our objective is to use drones instead of normal soldiers to cover the space of the borders, detect terrorists hiding their faces, detect people in disguise; react effectively and faster, react at night, or even when the climate is difficult. We began our work with some related works done in this field, after that in the third section we detailed description of our system, which will be followed by a presentation of experiment.

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