An Optimized Component Selection Algorithm for Self-Adaptive Software Architecture Using the Component Repository: Self-Adaptive Software Architecture

An Optimized Component Selection Algorithm for Self-Adaptive Software Architecture Using the Component Repository: Self-Adaptive Software Architecture

MohanRoopa Y, Ramamohan Reddy A
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSCI.2019040104
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Component-based software engineering focuses on the development and reuse of components. The component reuse depends on the storage and retrieval processes. This article presents the component repository model for the developers to achieve good productivity. The component selection from the component repository according to the functionality and requirements is a crucial process. This article proposed an algorithm for optimizing component selection with functionality constraints like customer size, reliability, and performance. The experimental result evaluates the performance of the algorithm.
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2. Literature Survey

In the software architecture, component-based development is one of the research area grown in recent years. The importance of component in the development of software life cycle has created some opportunities for new architectures.

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