A Randomized Controlled Trial on Posture Improvement and Trunk Muscle Strength by Round Shoulder Posture Improvement Exercise

A Randomized Controlled Trial on Posture Improvement and Trunk Muscle Strength by Round Shoulder Posture Improvement Exercise

Eunsang Lee, Won-je Choi, Dae-in Jung, Seungwon Lee
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJEHMC.2018100101
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The aim of this article was to examine investigates the effects of posture-improving exercises on round shoulder posture (RSP) and back muscle strength. 35 college students participated in this study and were measured for both shoulder height and muscle strength. After pretest, participants were divided into shoulder stabilization exercise group (SSEG, n1=12), antagonist strength exercise group (ASEG, n2=12), and control group (CG, n3=11). SSEG and ASEG exercised with a trainer 3 times a week for 30 minutes during 4 weeks. After completion of intervention, there was a significant difference in both shoulders and trunk muscle strength is significant difference for SSEG, ASEG and CG. This study has found that strengthening exercise is more effective in RSP reduction. However, it is the opinion of the researchers that the 4 week exercise period was not long enough to achieve significant results for other measurements. Further comparative studies related to the effects of strength exercises on RSP reduction, lung capacity, and trunk muscle strength is necessary.
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2. Methods

2.1. Subjects

The subjects of this study were 35 male and female adults from G-university. The detailed criteria of the study subjects are presented as follows: those without pain in the scapular girdle or history of injuries; without an orthopedic and neurologic history on the cervical and upper extremity; and those who have more than 2.5cm in height from posterior border of acromion to table at their supine position. The 35 study subjects were divided into three groups: The shoulder stabilization exercise group (SSEG), antagonist muscle strengthening exercises group (ASEG), and control group (CG) (Eunsang, Dae-in, Wonjae, & Seungwon, 2017).

The physical characteristics of the subjects are shown on Table 1.

Table 1.
Demographic characteristics of the subjects

2.2. Procedure

In order to clarify the effect of improving the acromion height and trunk back muscle strength of both subjects, a study was conducted to compare two experimental groups according to the exercise program. The subjects in the SSEG group performed shoulder stabilization exercises, and the subjects in the ASEG group performed antagonist strengthening exercises, and CG.

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