Zagami Francesco

Francesco Zagami was born on January 5, 1954, in Fiumefreddo di Sicilia (Catania), Sicily, and after he attended High School in Giarre (Catania), in 1972 began his medical studies at Catania University and then on July 14 1978 received his M.D. “summa cum laude”. After Board Examination (Catania) and qualifying period in clinical pathology in Garibaldi hospital Catania he was engaged on November 7 1979 as a ClinicalPathologist assistant at public hospital Randazzo (Catania). In 1980 he went periodically to the Virologydepartment of the “D. Cotugno” hospital in Naples, where he worked with Prof. Giulio Tarro as a voluntary association in his group of viro-oncology research until 1990. On July 20, 1984, he obtain in CataniaUniversity postgraduate with in Clinical Biology. He is the author, alone or in the group, of 76 medical scientific articles published in specialized journals or in medical books, and has been a speaker in over 150 national or international medical congresses. A fraction of his articles are online in: and, as an independent researcher , while for help-forum see: . Recently is USMLEmember Toronto, Ontario, Canada, PathLabTalk – USA, The American Society of Hematology WashingtonDC – USA, and Journal of Medical Association Thailand and China.Address email: and cell. Mobile 0039.329.1809146.


Sarcopenia in Older People
Karen Cordovil, Masato Hada, Zagami Francesco, Adil Al-Harthi, Taha Hussein Musa. © 2023. 19 pages.
Sarcopenia is a generalized loss of muscle mass affecting muscle function and strength with age. The cause of sarcopenia is multifactorial and physiopathological mechanisms...