Yang Zhang

Yang Zhang has a degree in computer applied technology from the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. His research interests include service-oriented computing, the Internet of Things, and service security and privacy. He currently works at the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications (BUPT), China. He leads a team doing scientific research on the theoretic foundation of EDSOA for IoT services.


Internet of Things Service Provisioning Platform for Cross-Application Cooperation
Shuai Zhao, Bo Cheng, Le Yu, Shou-lu Hou, Yang Zhang, Jun-liang Chen. © 2020. 24 pages.
With the development of Internet of Things (IoT), large-scale of resources and applications atop them emerge. However, most of existing efforts are “silo” solutions, there is a...
Integrating and Streamlining Event-Driven IoT Services
Yang Zhang, Yanmeng Guo. © 2019. 309 pages.
In IoT scenarios, ways in which large-scale and cross-domain service systems can be established are still unclear, and no systematic or in-depth theories and methods have yet...
Publish/Subscribe-Based Service Bus for IoT Services
Yang Zhang. © 2017. 18 pages.
In IoT (Internet of Things) scenarios, lots of things and services are connected and coordinated each other. In our work, we first propose a service-oriented publish/subscribe...