Rocío Carratalá Sáez

Rocío Carratalá Sáez

Rocío Carratalá Sáez received a B.Sc. Degree in Computational Mathematics by Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón (Spain) in 2015, M.Sc. Degree in Parallel and Distributed Computing by Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) in 2016, and Ph.D. in Computer Science by UJI in 2021 (awarded with a MECD-FPU grant). She is currently an assistant professor at Universidad de Valladolid (UVa) in the Department of Computer Science. Her main research interest is High Performance Computing, focused on the parallelization of linear algebra operations. She is also interested in educational research, and has been part of some publications that explore how to improve the undergraduate students HPC skills.


Developing Linear Algebra Codes on Modern Processors: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Sandra Catalán Pallarés, Pedro Valero-Lara, Leonel Antonio Toledo Díaz, Rocío Carratalá Sáez. © 2023. 266 pages.
Optimized linear algebra (LA) libraries that are able to exploit the underlying hardware are always of interest in the high-performance computing community. The implementation of...