Philippe Goujon

Philippe Goujon. Doctor of Philosophy (1993) Habilité à diriger des recherches - director of the Legit in Namur University (Laboratory for ethical Governance of information Technology). He has authored numerous articles on artificial life, self-organization, thermodynamics, the complexity, biotechnology, genomics and also the connection between science, techniques, education and culture. He authored books about the auto-organisation concept and about the ethics of technology. He is a partner in three European funded research projects the ETICA project (Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications), the EGAIS project (the Ethical GovernAnce of emergIng technologies) and CONSIDER project (Civil Society OrgaNisationS In Designing rEsearch goveRnance). He is an expert in the Goldenworker European project. He will coordinate the GREAT European project (Governance of REsponsible innovATion) and be partner in the Responsibility European project. He co-directs the IDEGOV project for the CIGREF Foundation. His research fields concerns the history and philosophy of science, epistemology and ethics of computing technologies, the governance theories and internet governance issues. He is in charge of the ethical training for the European Commission. He is an expert for the European Commission.


Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies Development
Fernand Doridot, Penny Duquenoy, Philippe Goujon, Aygen Kurt, Sylvain Lavelle, Norberto Patrignani, Stephen Rainey, Alessia Santuccio. © 2013. 417 pages.
The more integrated technology becomes in our everyday lives and businesses, the more vital it grows that its applications are utilized in an ethical and appropriate way. Ethical...
Governance in Perspective: The Issue of Normativity
Laurence Masclet, Philippe Goujon. © 2013. 14 pages.
This paper describes the evolution of the discipline of governance study through a focus on the evolution of proceduralism. From a lecture and a critique of Maesschalck and...
Identifying the Ethics of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies: An Essay on Issues, Concepts and Method
Bernd Carsten Stahl, Richard Heersmink, Philippe Goujon, Catherine Flick, Jeroen van den Hoven, Kutoma Wakunuma, Veikko Ikonen, Michael Rader. © 2012. 19 pages.
Ethical issues of information and communication technologies (ICTs) are important because they can have significant effects on human liberty, happiness, and people’s ability to...
Identifying the Ethics of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies: An Essay on Issues, Concepts and Method
Bernd Carsten Stahl, Richard Heersmink, Philippe Goujon, Catherine Flick, Jeroen van den Hoven, Kutoma Wakunuma, Veikko Ikonen, Michael Rader. © 2010. 19 pages.
Ethical issues of information and communication technologies (ICTs) are important because they can have significant effects on human liberty, happiness, and people’s ability to...